MovieChat Forums > KnowsMore > Replies
KnowsMore's Replies
As is Mr Dazed, even though he is the silent type.
All of that was important to use at the time.
Be nice if anyone noticed my sound editing at any point but plah!
There's so much in Prometheus to keep them distracted from obvious thing!
Thanks Barry, I wasn't going down without a salute to all how made IMDb what is was in my eyes. Many left out I'm afraid.
Also, tiny laptop, 7 hour flight, last minute. I did what I could.
As does everyone here just from posting and taking part!
That's what the Bandit wants you to think.
Wait till he comes up on your tail and laughs the way that only he can before hightailing it away!
Archer will be inconsolable!
How deep is your love though?
I made my own video which says more pertinent stuff than that!
But not a bad choice for a dirge Barry!
I checked out their menu anyway Dazed and it was far from Brazilian/Portuguese.
Seemed like spice deep fried chick (Nothing wrong with that) but that's not anything I can't get elsewhere, and from people from those places.
I think I'll stick with your original suggestion - drunken or not.
Plus, loads of kids on dates there when I checked out their menu. Great for them, excellent to be honest, but not for me.
I had the chance once but Dazed told me not to.
So I'm not of much use to you.
More than a woman (Is that sexist?).
C'mon mine is awesome and I'm glad you've not heard it before!
And I wonder...
It's good Dazed, but it's not right!
18 secs intro (Punchy though!) and is dour.
I think mine still has a weird hope to it!
And expectations?
Get back to me after you've served me coffee thanks.
Don't apply that critical thinking filter onto the slavery and oppression that is intrinsic in the coffee market though - that'll get you and your Marlboro Light smoking friends out of a job.
What was that Bee Gees tune with again in the title Dazed?
Yours is good Hownos, I just feel mine is punchier and comes in at 12 seconds as oppose to 18 and has a better edge to it.
Things like this can sometimes matter.
Still very good though!
You didn't comment on the OP and therefore I must assume you think that those people who were not white supremacists on that march are actually white supremacists.
Good luck talking your way out of that one Markdown474!
And yet you have an opinion to expect me to accommodate you free of charge having provided everything this conversation entails?
Shall I provide you with a link to the definition of privilege?
Or did Alinsky not have a rule for when his were used against him?
It's a thing like triggered and that Dazed.
People who can't express themselves and so use animated images (Gifs usually) to do that for them.
Perhaps you found it through different means, but it is a thing.
I'm looking forward to it, but they best give due homage to proper Magnum until this one becomes the new Magnum proper.