MovieChat Forums > KnowsMore > Replies
KnowsMore's Replies
And a Liz bump!
Well, 19x2 is 38 and one to the power of ten is 10 and if you take that away from 38 then it all makes sense.
Expand upon what you mean here please.
I was thinking the sister thing.
And I the cut of your jib Chilone!
If it saves on labor then why not? ;)
I'm guessing he's agnostic or a vampire or something Df 😂
Humour me.
He'll be around soon enough.
Or he was in Jacksonville over the weekend...[bigeek]
And proper English language is noticeably absent in this one...
He might be off travelling again.
He does that.
We can be soul mates forever Nathan.
I don't have a list of top ten directors.
Were what?
Only if we're besties!
I fixed it up a little bit.
But that's just dog style, why at the beach?
Here, I've already drawn a beach with a TV and Silence of the Lambs playing on it.
You add the people having sex and then share back when you have: [url][/url]
Or you could just draw it like I asked here: [url][/url]
Enjoy your inspired beach sex!
Sure thing! Link away!
Can you draw a picture please?
I've done it plenty of times at the beach.
Sandy, rocky, volcanic ash - you name it, I've tried it.
Completely impractical.