MovieChat Forums > snepts > Replies
snepts's Replies
Sure. And you have nothing to do with it.
Omg. JLaw might have said something out of turn.
I know you and I would NEVER say anything that didn't fit the scenario perfectly.
Hey ! I'm young, I'm a movie star and I'm an erudite film scholar and I know how to speak in every public situation because I have ice in my veins. I can always be perfect all the time, just like everyone else does.
Should I be polite and not comment how smojoe leaves insipid comments?
Or should I be a jerk and needlessly say something about how stupid smojoe is? Hmmm ....
Oh my Science. Hunter has changed the course of world history !
This is one of the rare times I'm glad I'm older and was not expected to accept this show when it was in production.
I think it's awful. These people don't even bother to act. They just rattle off whatever dumb line was given them and keep on going. Looks like every show was done in a single take. I don't know the technical terms but SBTB is filmed in some cheap fashion where the film stock looks over saturated ... and cheap. I can't watch it for ten seconds without thinking there must be ANYTHING better to watch than this show.
Here's the original version -
When people like you claim there are a scary number of weirdos lurking about -
you are creating the environment where stupid people are scared about all the scary number of weirdo people lurking about.
I mean, Yonkers sounds like Wankers, right? And we all know what that means !
Jeezus Kryst, I say with exasperation.
Maybe an asshole like you should make this movie instead. I'm sure you would have the proper passion for the project and the proper judgement to get it produced without liberal interference.
Don't know if ranting about liberals is accurate, but if it is, maybe this shows we should be kinder and gentler in how we consider our fellow passengers on this Earth.
You are the ultimate example of an overgrown child. That you say such a thing acknowledges your awareness of it.
Overgrown child? Gee, that rings a bell ! Reminds you of YOU !
Every other liberal could be DEAD and have half the sense you exhibit here.
You must get paid to be such an EVIL MORON and continue to advertise it here.
Fuck. You're like Satan arrogantly walking among us, telling us how he's going to take over and then things will finally be like they should.
What if? What if you poison your neighbor's dog? What if you organize KKK meetings? What if ?
You KINDA had a thought that wasn't worth putting a bullet through your skull to rid it, you fucking moron.
If you think you can reduce the American Revolution to fit your pathetic little narrative, go talk to some tombstones.
I'm sure they'll be happy to have the company. And they would be the only ones.
Just cut and paste responses. That shows you're just an operative, a bot, an interloper here just to cause discord and confusion. Eff U, except you aren't even a person who should have a broomstick shoved up their ass. You're a foreigner somewhere else paid to be an asshole and cause trouble. Or a bot spitting out mindless nonsense to, golly, ... stir up trouble.
YOU SUCK, PUTIN ! Tell that to your boss.
You are so fucked up. This is why we shouldn't have free speech, so a fuck head like you can't keep going off like the Gay Inspector with no recriminations. You are a shitty person yet go about like you're above reproach. The worst sort of creep we have among us.
You fucking pubs invented creative accounting when Dubya decided the Budget Deficit wasn't a real thing and didn't have to balance the national US government budget.
The perfect example of pubs causing a shitty situation and blaming Dems for it. Fuck you @!
You don't pay grocery bills so don't lie about it.
Thanks for the update, asshole. What the fuck have you or your rethuglican party ever done to elevate America?
Other than Communist (wait for it, words you all have loved to invoke these days) Witch Hunts, Pissing Down Economics, Deregulation that strips workers of pay, security and safety? Despoiling the Environment?
Any other wonderful accomplishments the pubs have brought us? Segregation, the KKK, Citizens United, negating Roe v Wade? Invoking the Bible while ignoring it's teachings? Using the Founding Fathers to distort their intentions?
Perjury Taylor Green, Herschel Walker, Mehmet Oz? Josh Hawley, Ron Desantis, Madison Cawthorn, Kari Lake?
My god, it's like parading your children out on Halloween and dressing them up as the worst things imaginable and being proud of it. "My kids are blood-sucking zombies. No, I'm not kidding. They really are ! They got it from me !"
So do you actually live in Russia, or do they wire the money to you? Does it need to be laundered through some other entity?
Is this your main job, or just a side hustle shilling for the Rooskies?
Maybe you're a guard enjoyably tasked with torturing Brittney Griner and just do this in your spare time?