RealityFanJen's Replies

When they enter the room, you're seeing them in a mirror. The camera then pans around to them. It's a cool little shot. Dite was the woman who had to put her baby in the back of the carriage to be sold, but then Hammond let her keep it. She's still beautiful, yet totally down to earth and real. I actually buy Avon from her! 🙂 She was just young. Agree 100% Saw her on Facebook live this morning, she still looks amazing. Just finished watching it on Tubi. I remember seeing it as a kid, so was curious to watch it again. Weird movie, but it was entertaining. Totally agree! Although Jesse McCartney is absolutely adorable. To have that dilemma lol I remember watching the sequels out of sheer curiosity, but only once and much later on. Didn't have the same effect as the original, though. My childhood was largely unsupervised. No wonder I'm so warped :-D I agree. I was 8 when this movie came out, and I remember loving it! My dad let us watch pretty much whatever we wanted as kids, and I remember having nightmares over this one, but still rented it from the video store over and over! I don't think so. I'm female, but I cried and was choked up the ENTIRE movie. I've always thought she was so pretty! I went through basic training at Ft. Jackson in 1993, and the rounds were live. At least, that's what we were told. [This post was deleted because he told me today, an' I ain't talkin' to you!] [This post was deleted because this pie is so good] [This post was deleted because I can go to Cowboy later] [This post was deleted because you ain't bin shoppin'] [This post was deleted because I don't care, you ain't supposta hit girls] [This post was deleted because it's ok with me if it's ok with him] Yeah, I just watched that scene, and this is what I heard. I stuck it out with Under The Dome because the first season was incredible, but I was glad it ended when it did, it was finished. Quantico. The first season was good, but I got bored out of my mind after season 2. Same with The Following. Season 1 was great, then it's like they just repeated the first season all over again. I might give The Following another change and try watching it again. I was told it picked up again toward the end. Hope you found rehab.. I watched this movie last night for the first time in probably 10 years, and that scene made me laugh so hard, my sides hurt! I don't know why I've never considered that it was intentional, but it does make sense. Ah, I never considered that. Thanks!