beancrisp's Replies

Doing harm just for kicks. You not showing me evidence of widespread oppression proves it has ended. I challenge you to show me evidence of widespread white on black oppression in the US today. I will not be brainwashed by the Watermelons. I am for halting pollution, but as far as global warming is concerned I have not been brainwashed by the Watermelons. When a movie I start to stream fills the screen I go to IMDB and check the ratio. I also FF pass the opening credits on widescreen movies because sometimes movies will show in widescreen during the credits and then crop to fill the screen afterwards. I promise to give you 14 dimes if Trump ever becomes president again. FACT: The Zionists did not start war in the middle east. Prove me wrong. I challenge you to describe the mentally of someone murdering someone in cold blood just for kicks if not evil. Why would I do work on something that is already a proven fact? How am I using reverse psychology? I challenge you to logically explain how stating a cold hard fact makes me lazy. FACT: I do not hate Muslims. Prove me wrong. FACT: The cold hard facts are not propaganda. Prove me wrong. Those are some naive Christians. They don't realize the "Palestinians" are treating them well in order for the Christains to side with them. If the "Palestinians" evil goal of making all of Israel a Palestinian state it would be a Muslim state and they would start oppressing those Christians like they do in the other Muslim countries. I challenge you to show even the tiniest evidence that the cold hard facts I stated are lies. Reminded me of Clint Eastwood's reaction to ketchup. Robert posted the cold hard facts here. I knew when I asked this question that I would get responses for Jew haters.