beancrisp's Posts

FACT: The dimwits at Netflix were streaming the show in the right aspect ratio of 4:3 but changed it to the wrong aspect FACT: Thomas was stung by hornets not bees. What reason can anyone give as to why these cops should not be fired? This video is for all the dimwits who do not think the 2nd Amendment protects the individual right to bear arms. FACT: Cook County judge James Shapiro hates children. Prove me wrong. FACT: People who think it was an inside job by the government are incapable of logical thinking. Thugs suing their victims. FACT: The thug did not beat him because he smiled at the baby, the thug beat him just for kicks. Prove me wrong. FACT: Studio Hamburg put out false copyright strikes on YouTube. FACT: Covid 19 has turned Australia into a tyrannical police state. FACT: Communism is impossible in the US while the constitution is the supreme law of the land. FACT: Utilitarianism is based on selfishness while deontology is based on selflessness. FACT: The ends never ever justifies the means. FACT: Rand Paul has never put out any covid misinformation. FACT: Seth has been indoctrinated by the Watermelons. How do we counter this propaganda from the Watermelons? Another dimwit that does not know the definition of snitch. FACT: The police here became police for the sole purpose of violating the rule of law. Why do you think this happened with Netflix? If anyone here works at Yahoo I challenge you to give me a logical reason why they require a mobile phone number in