MovieChat Forums > captkirk42 > Replies
captkirk42's Replies
YES Read the book ages and ages ago.
YES Seen the 1990 miniseries.
When I read the book (I really should reread it. Excuse me "It") I was a little confused with parts due to the back and forth story telling of the childhood events being presented as fuzzy memories from the adult perspective. Especially the final confrontation with the monster as adults. I enjoyed it even though there are some parts that are totally freaky and were unsettling.
The 1990 miniseries I liked it. Mostly because of the cast. The adult versions of the characters were played by well known actors all of which I had enjoyed even before being assembled in that drama.
2017 Movie (Part 1). This I also enjoyed. Since it is fresher in my mind than the other versions at this time I will say it is my favorite of the two dramatized versions. When I first heard they were going to update the time periods of the story I was a little disappointed, but they didn't mess it up. I like it when I can enjoy a "remake" or "reimagining" of a movie or TV show. When they make too many changes or miscast something then I get really annoyed. If the original was any good to begin with.
Well it is just the first part of the story.
To be fair the book (and the mini-series) kept switching back and forth between what happened when they were kids (as they had remembered them from their adult perspectives) to the "current" events in their adult lives. Mike was the only one of the group that remained in Derry. He is the first one to start remembering and contacts the others.
I would have to be some kind of Atari or Commodore. Nintendo didn't come out until 1990 or 91.
I agree I think it had something to do with preparing for the "final" confrontation with the monster. It created some kind of bond between them.
We always got them near the end of the school year. That way you get to have your friends sign it. I guess it depends on the school system, also when they do the ordering of the yearbooks or where they order them from.
I thought they were usually friends of friends, or people that are in the same groups you are in. Most of the time though there will be someone that I can't figure out why the hell their profile is popping up. I have NO common interests, no common friends or acquaintances. The ones from other countries with their names spelled using their native language is very suspect.
As mentioned there is the tree-house. There are also some not so obvious references.
I think many might have missed this, but at the beginning when the Jumanji game is found it is a board game. After Alex receives the game from a friend he later makes a comment about "Who plays board games anymore" and tosses it on a shelf. Then later that night (I assume it is later the same night) the game transforms. When Alex opens the box it contains a video game cartridge.
At one point in the movie the players trapped in the game receive a black carved elephant piece, which apparently is the piece that Robin Williams' character used in the original movie.
I agree it was much better than I expected. When it was first announced as a project I was disappointed it was being made and wasn't interested. Even when it hit theaters I had doubts about it. Over time I thought it might be a fun film, but it wasn't high on my "must see" list of recent films. Like most films it sort of hit the back burner and slid down between the wall and the stove. I didn't see it in the theatres I saw it on-demand last night. It has been ages since I've seen the original with Robin Williams. I prefer the concept of the players getting sucked into the game, rather than elements of the game coming out into the real world.
It is actually a true sequel. It makes references to the original. Plus at the beginning when Alex finds the game (actually it looked like a friend of his found it on the beach) it is the board game at first. He makes some comment about "Who plays board games anymore" then during the night it changes to a video game.
Just watched this last night, the original it has been ages since I've seen. I found this one very enjoyable and better than the original. Actually being in the jungle setting fighting off the dangers to me is more exciting than a mixed herd of jungle animals stampeding the hallway of a mansion or the suburban streets.
That is your decision alone. If your morals are that strong that you refuse to see a movie with an actor who cheated on his wife, well then I guess you don't watch that many movies anymore.
Mayo and Ketchup = Russian Dressing AKA: Thousand Island Dressing without the pickles/relish. And I guess also some areas call it "fry sauce". Known about the combination for years since I was a kid. I think it was my Dad who showed/told me how to make it.
Wow this is an old thread (4 years old last replied to 2 years ago).
I enjoyed it as well. I agree that DC movies don't seem to be as well written as the Marvel ones. I still enjoy the DC movies though. I Love Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. As a fan of the '70s Wonder Woman TV show there is still a love spot for Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman in my heart. Even though they are the same "character" the character has changed over the years. IMHO the modern more classic Greek Amazon WW is a lot better than the 1970s "Comic" WW. She is a lot sexier also.
I enjoyed The Librarians as well. Got into the series from the first Librarian movie ages ago. Glad to take that adventure.
Yes part of the tradition. Exceptions were when 6 turns to 7 they didn't bring back Colin Baker for the regeneration scene (they put McCoy in a blonde wig). Then there was the missing 8 to 9 which we now know was because 8 became the War Doctor (which the inserted mini-episode teaser things covered that one) and the War Doctor to 9 was paused mid change since Eccleston wasn't involved with "Day of the Doctor".
I recall there was some hate when Matt Smith was first announced. The fangirl fanbase was losing their heart-throb David Tennant. Some of them then turned their swoons to Matt Smith. Some still pined for Tennant. I don't think the real hate came until Capaldi "The Old Man" came.
With Torchwood I think the only hate came from it being for mature audiences.
I have heard that the Big Finish company is doing audio adventures for Torchwood Season 5.
I haven't bought or listened to any of the Big Finish stories. I'm not much into audio only shows. I do books and TV shows/movies but not much into listening to stuff.
Yes Please.
I thought The Da Vinci Code was more about the belief that Mary Magdalene was the "true" Holy Grail by continuing the bloodline of Jesus and that part of the duty of the Knights of the Templar was to protect that lineage. All the clues are Da Vinci Works and follow that alternate history timeline.