GotWood84's Replies

Jar Jar was initially going to be Darth Plagueis the Wise. They backed away from it after they saw the crowd reaction to how stupid the character was. Yo Billy! Take that L and go! Those looking for Die Hard on xmas, the Paramount Network. No taste Argentinian Latino? Didn't know there was such a thing. I don't consider Argentinian people to be "Latino." I don't think they consider themselves Latino either. Maybe he was a closet homo maybe he wasn't. Sometimes people look too deep into things. Really sad news Pacino can pass for Latino. Just because you don't think so doesn't make it true. Haha I don't even remember this..... Historically, Carmine always said the Sopranos are nothing more than a glorified crew... ... Let me tell you a couple of three things....... Maybe the messenger deserves it in this case? You reek of pasta n gravy..... Loved him in The Burbs Just saw a trailer on tv for the show! I'm actually kind of excited? Thank you Mr. Bezos! Please, I had it figured out before they even wrote it. You have a wild imagination.