MovieChat Forums > jasonbourne033 > Replies
jasonbourne033's Replies
that is one ridiculous, racist comment.
he named 2. and that is modern not historical. and there are many more.
you are seriously fucked up. that is exactly, precisely what the democrat left-wing media wants you to believe.
The vast majority Mass killings in the US come mainly from the following: 1)Islamic attacks - the Koran demands it 2)Violent socialists or leftists, as the guy who shot up the republicans at their baseball game 3) Operations by tyrannical Government to garner public emotional support behind gun control 4) a few cases of mental insanity - that has nothing to do with the right-wing
Other violent incidents would be 1)crime, of which blacks have a majority, 2) black supremacists, and 3) some violent racists such as KKK.
And folks, the "violence" in the US is NOTHING like other countries - and the few incidents are precisely because it is targeted as a Christian nation. It is NOTHING like other countries, I would know.
None of that of course is reported in the media, instead we get shitloads of misinformation, propaganda and facts are censored. creating the very same violent leftists who go and commit the same crimes.
Changing living conditions never causes violence. That is a complete falsehood. wherever there are muslim there will be war because Islam is about killing.
you are all scrabbling around in the dirt for straws, as usual when presented with facts.
I did not know the name of the actor but identified his pistol and remembered he fired thirteen shots in the run down scene, thus two/three or four/five shots left.
that's so me lol.
let me cure you of a myth.
Conservatives, Trump, Republicans, Right-Wing, gun owners, Christians, Nationalists, Patriots, whatever you want to call them.
They are NOT Nazis.
Some history for you.
The Nazi Party was a political party which had its roots in the LGBT underworld of 1920s Germany. The term "Nazi" is short for the National * SOCIALIST WORKERS * Party. They were not so much a "political" party in that their main tenet and purpose of existing was hatred & genocide of Jews. As such they were technically neither left-nor right wing. The left were the Communists, the "right" of sorts was the Monarchists.
However their anti-Semitic way and their methods of coming to power, namely control of mass media, propaganda schemes, total control & tyranny were fundamentally left-wing.
After it all came down, Hitler was the most hated figure publicly, so what better * new * propaganda scheme than to make people believe the right-wing is Nazi.
you are confused.
Of course Farrakhan "feels that Israel has had an unjust relationship with the US." He hates Israel. Elijah Muhammad also did. NOI is fundamentally anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.
Washington Post, like most other mainstream media, is obsessed with denigrating President Trump. They created a huge public phobia in the east coast about "white supremacists" (and about whites period) and how supposedly they are a huge, violent faction that is responsible for an "oppressive" and "fascist" society and international meddling and also responsible (somehow) for terrorism and mass killings. They create the myth that Republicans and conservatives are "white supremacists" and "Nazis." Trump is very Republican and conservative, so slap him with the "white supremacist" sticker and the millennial masses instantly have rampant Trump-phobia.
The fact that you quoted a liberal news site reporting on the leader of a violent cult group praising Trump for "not accepting donations from Jews" -which I don't know where he got that from- does not make Trump an anti-Semite.
Trump, and people with traditional values generally, support Israel and defend Judeo-Christian civilization.
not sure what you are talking about.
"catering to a demographic" does not involve attempting to erase gender roles .
misogynist, by 21st century standards, I am. ashamed of it, I am not.
people on the street or in the dojo generally do not refer to me as a "snowflake." lol.
Yea it was Mel Gibson.
YES! thanks a lot. was actually 2010, ok.
I know the feeling.
never going to die - it'll just keep gettin' worse and worse.
We've been falling since the earliest women's movements in the 1900s and 1800s. After the early 1960s it's been a nose dive.
I know, it's crazy. Impossible to find good movies nowadays, without liberal/feminist/PC/SJ/socialist bullcrap. There were still very good ones in the 70s and 80s.
millions - billions perhaps historically, if we balance in several factors.
muzzies I assume mean muslims - that's hilarious.
"There is nothing inferred and or Leftist in anything that I posted nor asked you. I neither defended nor attacked any position, ideology or group." - that's quite a statement.
yes buddy, I know I can form my own opinion. I'm aware of that fact. Thanks for granting me the undeserved privilege.
"my screed" - I'm splitting my sides.
the mainstream media rarely if ever mentions the NOI. Islamic groups are sometimes mentioned in a compartmentalized manner, but Islamic attacks are often not attributed to Islam. Black crime is minimized, and white-on black crime, and white crime, is extensively reported on.
I haven't watched Birth of a Nation. So thanks for referring it to me. I will watch it as it should be watched without your obvious leftism and pro-islam attitude. I will see if it's actually "littered with hate intimidation and murder." Judging from your statement that it's celebrated, it's probably well received by the conservative community. Which will make it anything but. Thanks.
"Is there something objective that you can point me to that explains that or even demonstrates that White Nationalists and Nationalism are no threat and is a good thing?"
I have no words. How old are you? Do they seriously teach you outright at schools that nationalism is a threat. Or are you so media-saturated that this is what you think. Wow.
"Are there zero instances of White Nationalists committing crimes in the name of Nationalism?"
KKK exists. No one is disputing that. But KKK isn't "white nationalist." The media is profoundly anti-American, anti-Christian civilization, anti-traditional values. Whites who are nationalists are patriots, not violent kooks like the SJW would like us believe.
"Antifa is neither a "Black Supremacist" group nor is it affiliated even remotely with NoI. Antifa is very much indeed mentioned in Mainstream Media and are very much against the KKK, destructive Capitalism and are more anarchists than anything else."
You're clearly pro-Antifa and a socialist who thinks free trade is evil. Antifa is very much a violent black supremacist group. You have clearly never set foot outside the US to see what socialism, communism is like. I'm really not sure how to proceed with such a brainwashed individual here. You seem to associate capitalism with the KKK [cont.]
The KKK has been greatly exaggerated in mainstream media.
And "white nationalists" are no threat. nationalism is a good thing not a bad thing.
It is not just the NoI. There are black supremacist groups one of which is Antifa, which rarely are mentioned in the media.
And there are many muslim groups, but the whole of islam has been killing people since its beginnings.
so tell me what Mexico is actually like, from your experience.
If I posted along with the rest of the shitters attacking Trump, would you call me basic or race-baiting?
Also, you need to be educated as to what NOI is before posting about it. You need to study what Islam teaches, and the reality of blacks in America.