MovieChat Forums > mcremp

mcremp (52)



41. The part about South America is a lie. Gun control is very strict in Brazil and the murder rate is many times higher than US. On the other side, Paraguay and Uruguay have way more firearms and way less murders. 42. " Removing guns from the population is a PROVEN method of getting past war and violence." ... sucessfully used by Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez. In fact, a dictator who does not remove guns from the population is very hard to find. You shall watch "Curiosa" (2019). Amazing how watching a movie is taken so seriouly this days. It´s like "watching" = "to endorse anything the movie shows". Do I have to find war "acceptable" to watch Saving Private Ryan? Do I have to find slavery "acceptable" to watch Spartacus? Do I have to find cheating "acceptable" to watch Indecent Proposal? Do I have to find water poisoning "acceptable" to watch Erin Brocovitch? Do I have to find ship sinking "acceptable" to watch Titanic? And if I watch Joan of Arc, I need to think how I would feel if someone does that to my mother or my wife. Reading Moviemadness´s comments reminds me a saying by 16th century philosopher Spinoza: "A man´s deepest desire is to force everyone to like what he likes, and to forbid everyone to like what he dislikes." "What would that be called?" "Almodovar´s latest movie", maybe? If a movie about Martin Luther King shows that the most important thing about him is not his work and his ideas, but the color of his skin, that would be a very bad movie. And "The Dancer" shows very clearly that Loie Fuller was a lesbian. The movie shows very clearly (to me, at least) that Loie was a lesbian. But the movie is not about Loie´s sex life, but about her work as a dancer. Loie Fuller wasn´t only a lesbian. She was an artist, a professional, a person. Why a movie can´t show that? Every movie about a lesbian must focus in this fact only? The director was right: don´t be sectarian. I can´t imagine a kind of pain that grants the right to hurt other people. Is´s easy to see ONE situation and think that. I can think of a hundred situations where a good amount of money can save someone´s life. The question is: from where this money will come? It will be OK for you if every time someone is needing money I knock in your door and demand your share? Remember, the world have more than 7 billion people. "That is a right. Regardless of whether you are rich or poor. You get the same high quality healthcare" "All we need is a single payer universal healthcare system. It can be done." Not all people in countries like Australia, UK or Sweden agree that the gov provides "high quality healthcare". Maybe if they increase the taxes a little more, the quality will improve... But some people will still unsatisfied. Then another tax raise... No, still not "high quality" to everyone. Moral: If you give something for free, it´s impossible to have everyone satisfied. Basic Human Nature. View all replies >