MovieChat Forums > DceuFanticArmy > Posts
DceuFanticArmy's Posts
Top 5 Best version of Batman
Top 5 best comic book films
There is 4 type of comic book films
Russo brothers admitted that civil war happened due to bvs
Everyone is going to boycott this film if there is no batfleck
I hate this guy he ruined dceu
I love you so much cavill please put the end of the stupid rumors that you are leaving dceu
This is the best film of this year alongside aquaman not infinity war
Snyder is truly a gem
He would make a great red hood
Confirmed jensen ackles is red hood possibly in the elseworld arrow crossover
This post of sandberg proves Affleck and cavill would be in shazam in the reshoots
4 episodes already better than boring netflix mcu series
Truth has been spoken by hawk actor mcu sucks
This film would be a garbage if Affleck is not Batman
He is getting beautiful and cute day by day
The most overrated film director of this century
Sorry tim Burton even your Batman films are great but I will rate this film above than your Batman films
Marvel fans are expecting so much from this film and I guess what will happen
This film is awesome probably better than infinity war and Hello all marvel fans I'm back