BenStrousers's Replies

Buddy, I used to watch that crap while eating breakfast. Don't any more, lost my taste for it. Who's the coomer now? You don't keep up with current events? You know how it iz. Where's that self-righteous caps lock guy when we need him? Misunderstood. I have many friends named Karen. Probably the most punchable face in history and the worst whiny monotone voice, what did his wife ever see in him? What a waste. The dude ain't overrated, my friend. Megan, some idiot from the internet says he's coming. Lock that hatch tight and don't make a sound till we say otherwise! Harvesting humans for food. There's no such thing as -too boney- It's like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, it's doesn't really mean anything. What are you talking about? Albert Fish used to enjoy sticking needles into his balls. That's not true. In America the majority are black guys. LOL