MovieChat Forums > TheEngineer > Replies
TheEngineer's Replies
Vermin. Chubby useless whiner.
Not as lame and dated as your ignorant post.
It's very simple. It's because Ajax is the most well acted and developed character in the film. James Remar gave a hell of a performance and he exemplifies the scrappy, macho, young, somewhat insecure and inadequate nature of the characters the movie follows.
Like the previous poster said the letter was full of Chuck's resentment for Jimmy. It was written while Jimmy was working the mail room at HHM and was nothing but an extended gloating session about how glad Chuck was Jimmy was contained and controlled at a menial job. Their entire relationship was based around Chuck deriding and manipulating Jimmy. Denying him opportunity after opportunity. I truly doubt anyone else wrote that letter.
It was exactly what Kim expected in an unexpected form. And it brought into focus just how much Chuck hurt Jimmy, how much they hurt Chuck, the enormity of his sudden and bizarre death, and how cold Jimmy had become that he could read it and have no reaction or investment. Kim had far more reason to cry over a legitimate letter.
Spoiler alert: They all survive. It was just a haunt.
Gina was a hottie and it would have been nice but the truth is there was more to do storywise with Crockett hooking up with a different girl every week than if he was always in a relationship with Gina.
>no bad episodes in season 3
Dead wrong. Viking Bikers alone proves you wrong and the rest aren't much better.
Starting with season 3 this show loses all style, everything that made Miami Vice was gone. The stories had absolutely nothing to do with vice and the show became little more than a dumping grounds for failed scripts (which is exactly what Viking Bikers was incidentally). There aren't enough good episodes between 3, 4, and 5 to assemble a single season as good as the first two.
At least Gina was nice to look at.
If Vince and Peter had sense and balls he'd be rotting in a grave. This show let so many characters who deserved to die walk away.
Of course of a gawker refugee snowflake can't write an article about the show without spending a few paragraphs whining about how problematic it is.
This is better than all four Brosnan movies at the very least.
Not at all. They bungled the premise of the movie, presenting HD video as if it was on VHS. All the segments in 2 are generic as all get out. Safe Haven was the only interesting one. The rest were just a march through overdone garbage you can see anywhere else. Zombies, aliens, ghosts. YAWN.
The first actually looked like footage shot on tape and had far more interesting premises. That people like 2 better just goes to show that mediocrity and safety sell.
This. Get over yourself. You don't have much intelligence to insult.
True facts.
The whole script was full of dumbass moments like that.
That's all I could think while reading that sad tirade too.
Sigh..another human movie
This godawful casting and the world's most generic plot scream design by committee. Luckily the only part of the movie that actually matters, the kaiju, look very well done.
That's what a TRIlogy is...
OUATITW. The reveal of Bronson's motivation beats the pants off anything in TGTBATU. Even FAFDM was more compelling in that regard.