seanwhelan2310's Replies

If it were to happen, They should at least bring back Stallone, Statham and Dolph, kill off Randy Couture. For fresh team additions, then Alan Ritchson would the ideal choice than say 50 Cent or Megan Fox, the Reacher series can prove it. Other names I have considered are Frank Grillo, Michael Jai White, Gina Carano, Joe Taslim, Keanu Reeves, Pierce Brosnan and maybe have Jackie Chan in a significant role. Enjoyed: Ian Foot Taaj Tommy Omar Baba Keeley and Melody Peter and Judith Moses Beacon James Stewart Ben Roberts Penny Carter Terry and John The two reenactment blokes Precious Penny Carter Ferghal Mickey and Buster Helen Simon and Jackie Drop them: Ray and Ann Wilkins (couple who own the bar in the airport) Gibson would be in the Statham role, how I would have seen it. the 1989 TV Series with Pierce Brosnan and Eric Idle is way better Yeah, He did audition to play Captain America before Chris Evans Somewhere in the middle, the night his family were murdered was what really broke him, and was hellbent on getting justice for their deaths, but he did not trust the flawed justice system and took matters into his own hands Very true, especially with number 3, leave yourself to your own solutions and fight the battle Crews won’t do it Originally, he did sign a three picture deal with producer Euan Lloyd, one of these films was to be "Wild Geese 2" alongside Richard Burton (who died before filming even began), however he was replaced by American actor Scott Glenn. Some claim that Collins was recast because he starred in an unrelated European knockoff action film Codename Wild Geese which annoyed Lloyd, other say that American distributers wanted an American actor It had potential, but it fell short, and felt like an unrelated movie, though you do have Edward Fox playing the brother of Richard Burton’s character from the first movie. Scott Glenn, who I like as an actor, wasn’t right for the lead, I feel like he was cast to appeal the American market, but he isn’t really a draw. Lewis Collins who was originally cast in the role felt like a much better choice and was more popular with UK audiences due to his tv show The Professionals. But I would have loved a sequel with Burton, Roger Moore and Lewis Collins teaming up. Looks more like it's set in the 40s (post-WWII) 12 survived, Faulkner meant they're 11 other men alive, not including himself Most of the cast are British (Cavill, Henry Golding, Alex Pettyfer, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Rory Kinnear, Cary Elwes), except for Alan Ritchson, Eiza Gonzalez, Til Schwieger and Babs Olusanmokun Treat Williams (R.I.P.) would have been good casting They just sound like a liberal family when they say that Edward Norton, Paul Rudd, Christian Bale or Henry Thomas (He was good as young Norman in Psycho IV) I had a teacher like that in one of the subjects in college as he would harass some of the students and would be tough on grading, but didn't leave a negative impact on me I think the same situation happened with the French test, we don't see it, but it's hinted at when Cleary, the French teacher accuses Connors (Cole Hauser) of cheating, even though he signed the honor code and only used the dictionary as required He may have known, but to him, that didn't even matter, all he wanted was the best quarterback for the team. Not much is known about him, but he could have been a friend of David's dad, you hear him say to David, "How's your dad" Here are mine Julianna (the real estate agent) Valentina Gloria (despite her craziness)