MovieChat Forums > PresidentJoffrey > Replies
PresidentJoffrey's Replies
Don't forget that's where trump makes his ties and socks. There and Mexico.
Hmmm five days later and no reply from the trumpets. Maybe fux news hasn't given them their marching orders yet๐ค
Umm the 1% dark money funds the republicants so they can continue to push through Virginia school economics. You know the economics that admittedly leads to a "world of slaves" and views anyone who can't support their own education, health care and retirement against all possible exigencies as "subordinate members of the species, akin to....animals who are dependent" -James Buchanan
I can't wait for your auto reply of "demokkkrat", "hatred" & "lemming". It's really a shame your architect didn't program in more customization ๐
Ohhh that's a good one!!
Yeah you have to reduce your point to a 3-5 word slogan that rhymes for the alt-right to understand/remember it.
Let's give it a go:
#walkaway not today!
You need to spend more time outside of your favourite echo chamber and you might actually understand the world around you a little better.
Umm those were all examples of conquest. The American revolutionaries did not conquere anything. They were opportunist that took advantage of the situation in Europe and saw an opportunity to take what wasn't theirs as the Brits were busy/tired of fighting in Europe.
4 July "Arr Dee Arr Arr"
Oh I know history just fine.
Your founders were pirates who stole from the British. "Taxation without representation" is a joke. All the Brits wanted was a return on their investment, same as the US uses NATO to protect infrastructure in volatile regions. They learned from their own theft to protect their assets.
Also the elitists that benefitted from the revolution refused to pay a bunch of the revolutionary veterans resulting 400 vets mobbing the state house. Nothing changed for the average joe, just the ones at the top didn't have to give a piece to those that out up the capital to settle a new nation.
Thanks for the insult, reported :)
And if you had the reading comprehension of a 8th grader you'd see that I didn't say they voted, just swayed opinion.
Don't be mad that after all those decades of conservative hatred for the commies that now your supreme leader is nothing more than a commie marionette
I doubt the school kids are required to pray when they visit. Most likely it's about learning a little about the religion itself.
Catholic schools in my country have a "Religions" class where the students learn about other religions, this sounds like an extension of that.
Stop jumping to the worst possible scenario
What rules and regulations are being loosened? I'm pretty sure no matter how accommodating your laws/regulations get they won't allow for things like honour killing (murder) and assault. If these things are happening, it's up to the authorities to police and persecute.
Christian's/Jewish people take plenty of days off school for their religious observance, why shouldnt Muslims?
Your example of a child refusing to take part in part of school curriculum is correct, they should be punished for refusing to take part in the curriculum. Same goes for Muslims that are against sex-ed, fine them.
You anecdotes about a rise in violence, are just that, anecdotes. I'm pretty sure the far right attacks gays and Jews too, "blood and soil"
How are your politicians "opening the door for Islam to control"?
I think you need to get a grip. Islam does not control europe. Have you actually been there recently? Or just parroting what you've heard on fux news or read not-so-brietbart?
Zuckerberg is American, so he was overtly exercising his freedom of speech.
Russian's posting as Americans is another story.
Globalization is not supposed to be a zero-sum game.
If your supreme leader wants to make it one, other countries will act accordingly and protect themselves.
So you only have the orange megalomaniac to blame for all the retaliation
This is an overt retaliation to Drumpf's ridiculous trade war.
What russia did was covertly use bots and paid advertising on social media to sway opinion.
One is not meddling, the other isn't.
Stay classy Burk!
I'm pretty sure they threw a girl to the ground and punched her. (You hear her scream/squeal)
And how do you mispell "speech" ("speach")?! Lolol I think that's cause Russian is your first language bahahaha
But, but american exceptionalism n stuff!
Have fun being ruled by the plutocrats, destitute in a toxic waste land!!
"Let's maximize short term profits for a few while not accounting for the long term costs for the many" ๐๐