MovieChat Forums > BornRetarded > Replies
BornRetarded's Replies
You’re still trying to promote “Operation Iraqi Freedom”?
Canada, like all countries EXCEPT the US, has very restrictive immigration laws.
Trump and Obama can’t both be puppets of the establishment if they’re doing opposite things. Net Neutrality was a creation of the largest multinational corporations in the world. Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, etc...
Then why would Hollywood use something both more expensive and worse quality?
I’ll tell you why. CGI is an industrial product. It can be churned out by throwing money at it. SFX is art. It requires a talented artisan. That’s too much leverage. Best to take them out of the picture. But they can only really get away with it if they all do it, force us to settle for less. That’s a cartel and it needs to be busted up. 90% of what Hollywood does is about artificially inflating the cost, so all the cronies can get paid.
See, the thing is, you can’t say that without admitting that you thought the TPP was a good idea. That makes you the biggest chump of all.
You’ve called people “racist” over a dozen times in this thread. I know you think you’re being righetous, but that’s the problem. You’re just exposing how much more concerned you are with what is right morally than what is right truthfully.
Anthropologists aren’t any different than you just because they’re anthropologists. They just more sophisticated. Here’s an example. In order to make our our “sexist” society seem like an aberration, anthropologists will assert that primitive (“non-literate”) societies were egalitarian, and they will downplay widespread rape in order to do this just like you downplay black crime.
India and China were colonized. In that context, colonization is usually reguarded as fast track to development, being that the guest is availed to advancements of the host. Progressives are essential interventionists. Why Africa didn’t develop is the same as why Europe did develop. Necessity is the mother of all invention. Europe was a harsh climate. Africa, later looted of its rich natural resources, never had a need to develop. But it’s so much more useful to reverse cause and effect, elaborate theories against common sense and say “racism”.
So “Gay N-words from Outter Space” wouldn’t be a blaxploitation movie, because it’s not set in poor urban neighborhoods?
You’ve got a list of superficial traits that probably most of those movies embody, but it’s not what makes them blacksploitation or not. This type of list is exactly what people do with fascism to obscure the meaning. They say “Fascism is a form of government characterized by racism, militarism, nationalism, etc...”. No it isn’t. It’s none of those things and has nothing to do with them. That’s just a guilt by association tactic used by competing factions of socialism. Fascism is an economic system, a command economy like socialism, where profits are kept private for the supposed purpose of efficiency. Sweden isn’t fascist because it’s all white people and they have manditory military service. It’s fascist because costs are socialized and profits are privatized.
Similarly Black Panther is blacksplotation if it panders to something about black sensibility. I don’t know much about the movie but I’ve heard it plays on that “we wuz kangs” trope where black people in an alternate universe live in a paradise because whites never interfered with them. That sounds exactly like the type of fantasy that Machete is for immigrants, or Inglorious Bastards is for Jews. But I don’t know how prominent a part of the movie that is. I suspect it goes more for crowd pleasing mass audience CGI action, with some politically correct white guilt messaging thrown in.
The conceit of the premise, lead actress, even the title?
That makes a lot more sense. The one defining trait of all Progressives is their view of man as a cog in a machine. He does not exist for himself but rather as a means, to be used, sacrificed, for a utopian vision of the greater good.
A Progressive would ask what good is it for you to speak freely if you are going to speak wrongly. Obsolete indeed, hence eugenics. This episode seems like a blistering attack on that. No wonder Alex Jones plays the audio on Inforwars all the time. Dignity is right.
Originally a religious movement, Progressives at the time were usually very strongly anti-religion, hence the persecution of religion under “scientific socialism”. I don’t know anything about Sterling, but picking Christianity seems populist, a large part of most peoples’ lives. Lenin was more anti-religion (except Judaism) than Stalin, so maybe by this time some of them had chilled out.
But picking a lesbian who couldn’t buy a cake from a cake baker? That’s not profound. That’s a crying baby demanding social privilege. It’s the baker who is being deprived of his liberty, not the lesbian who is being deprived of a cake. The marijuana issue seems like a stretch also since everyone still does it. Remember, it was again the Progressives who banned alcohol, and fueled an industry of high proof spirits. You also mentioned the Quran being banned in V for Vendetta. In reality, England has hate speech laws. You go to jail for criticizing Islam.
All your examples are stiflingly politically correct. Notice what you didn’t pick. Gun control, self defense. Anti-vaccination. Homeschooling. Heck, raw milk. I think the free speech issue is what makes this episode so prescient, and today it’s all these so called victim groups empowered to take it away. Aren’t we here right now because IMDb shut down?
Yes you did. You’re defending it right now by calling it a conspiracy theory, putting it in league with harmless stuff like shape shifting lizards, “peddled” to poor people with zero political power. Don’t think we don’t notice where you place that in proportion to a multi trillion dollar war based on a lie. Lots of people died. Why didn’t you? Seriously. Alex Jones was right.
I used to use that as a prank when I first saw this movie.
He didn’t give out names on an open line.
I like how this movie is action from start to finish, and they don’t waste time showing him getting married or something at the end.
Useless items are normally discarded.
Muscle memory?
Stop promoting vegetarianism, when he built his physique on 5 steaks per day.
That is not normally true or they wouldn’t need advertising. That’s the whole point. People buy very little without being made to want more. For example, far fewer people would keep buying new products and trends if they weren’t made to feel inferior for outdated models. Even the OP pointed out how women buy more stuff than men despite having less money, so clearly women are being manipulated by advertising more effectively than men, and men are being manipulated by women to allow it.
How else would you explain why in ultra racist Right wing capitalist America all the TV shows are for liberals? The usual explanation is that all the creative people making them are liberals, not that the slobs who spend all day watching them are the liberals.
Keep bulldozing those trailer parks! You’ll win that class warfare eventually.