MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Would you emigrate if you could?

Would you emigrate if you could?

If so then where?if no then why not?

If I could I'd love to live in Australia, lovely weather.


You can if you want, just supply enough credentials.


So where would you live?


I live wherever I want to.

That changes often.

Where do you live?


Uk,so cold here


It'll pick up soon enough.

At least you have the lingo of Australia already sorted!


Just wouldn't like their big spiders lol


Or random encounters with frogs in toilets!


Or snakes


Well... That rules out Indiana Jones living there!

I've been told by family that I almost ended up living in Switzerland. Being an American, it's quite a thought.


FFS lol Australia isn't Crocodile Dundee or whatever. I've never come across spider plagues, kangaroos in my backyard, or frogs in my toilet...While there are dangerous animals mostly in the rural and sparsely populated outback, most Australians are isolated from this experience - being concentrated in diverse cities and urban centers, much like cities such as Boston or Toronto.


I take you are very familiar with Australia. I have not yet had the pleasure of going there. The critters in the toilet must be overblown but relatively few incidents then. I understand the continent has a rich ecosystem with species found no place else and has quite an abundant amount of resources valuable for trade and harvesting. Definitely worth protecting with such beautiful natural scenery.


Yeah I should mention that I'm also Australian ;) Yes you're absolutely correct about the eco-systemand other aspects.



Iceland or Scotland


Iceland has very lush, green land despite its name. Did you know they have a dating app over there to search family records in order to rule out potentially incestuous relationships if they're too close in kin? Apparently, their gene pool is not that diverse. It's thought that a good chunk of their population is descended from one man, Erik the Red.

I hear they are some of the friendliest and welcoming people you'll ever meet and live with.


As oppose to the Scottish who will pelt yer heed in and then buy ye a drink!


Yer' from Scotland, lad?

Why, that's a handshake and a greetin' over ther' in those parts. Knock each other senseless, like best buds!


Well, we're known fir what we're known fir.

We're no liars, that's fir sure!!


I'd like to live in Canada. The US doesn't do it for me anymore.


please come


I'm thinking about it. I've been here all my 30 years but it's never felt like my home. I'm kind of curious to see what's going to happen to my country in the next few years and it will greatly affect my decision. I don't know where I'd go or what I'd do, but that's what I'm doing here too.


Canada, like all countries EXCEPT the US, has very restrictive immigration laws.


Well don't get too excited, I haven't committed to anything. I merely said that's where I'd like to go if I could.


I've thought central america. I've really enjoyed the culture the few times I've been there. If the political/economic situation was different, I would love to live in South Africa.


I don't know if I would emigrate to Australia, but I'd love to visit for maybe a year.


Probably England, I have been a lifelong Anglophile, love the Brits,...or Rome, I love the food and the people are so warm and kind.


No because I was born and raised in Canada and I love it and here I will stay


Canada is famously nice and comfy and fun
I just dont know how you all deal with the cold:(


I want to live there, and it does seem cold, but it can't be that much worse than being a Minnesotan or Wisconsan


Im happy here on the East Coast of the US

But Japan and Australia are very appealing in my opinion
Leave America forever..? NEVER

I may 'emigrate' to North Carolina or Virginia when i retire from New York because both are great places with nice people
Hunting, fishing, woodlands are all top notch plus some historical sights down there
Weather is better than NY too


Asheville, North Carolina is very nice, beautiful scenery of the Smoky Mountains, small shops everywhere, and not far from one of the fanciest McDonald's joints in the world (in Swannanoa). I had late family who l would visit in Swannanoa once a year and some of my best memories are from there. The seafood restaurants in the area are super!


Sounds sweet...especially the seafood (a favorite!)
As a kid i spent a week in the mountains in North Carolina...i found a big box turtle in the woods, jumped into a river that flowed down over rocks so smooth it felt like a waterslide, met the locals at an ice cream parlor...amazing time and thats 30 years ago and i still remember
North Carolina is a gem
And you cant beat the weather


Greece is lovely also, friendly people.


My cousin Honeymooned in Greece
She showed me pictures and said it was amazing and the locals were great people

Some day if im lucky ill see Greece


What a great week! I'd have loved all of that.

Not sure if you were here or not when I made a cross-country trip from Cali to NC (specifically Asheville), but the trip was to see how I liked it because I'm considering moving there.

It's sooooo beautiful! The woods, the rivers and many creeks. People were incredibly friendly too.


Oh the people are amazing in North Carolina

Virginia too!

I love the East Coast people from Florida to Maine...met a ton of nice people over here


I thought the same of the people there. Super nice and friendly! That's a real plus for me.

Haven't been to Virginia. Maybe I should take a look at housing there. Any part of it you'd recommend? I'm a real sucker for natural beauty, and also want some kind of decent (smallish) city life nearby.

I've only been to the east coast twice (Florida), but for some reason many people throughout my life have assumed I'm from the east coast. Not sure why.


I have friends in Manassas VA
Beautiful area

All of the shops are new, the streets are well laid, you can buy a Raised Ranch style home and 1/2 acre for $350k and find solid full time employment...Virginia is wonderful

Falls Church, Manassas, Centreville area of could eat off the sidewalk its so clean and the taxes are low


I'm going to take a look at Manassas VA. Somehow I thought it was in MA! Weird. I'm more of a fan of old than new, but assume there's old there too. Would love a ranch style home on .5 acres! I really do want some land, too.

At least half an acre, preferably more, but not *too* much. 2 acres would be perfect. I'd been looking for property with a creek or stream on it, which was my idea of heaven. Still is, but after the flooding I've been through, I don't know. Would have to be assured there's no danger of being flooded/mudslided out again.

Going to Google Falls Church an Centreville. (Why is my D key being so temperamental?)

Low taxes is a real plus!


Im sorry for your troubles...but you DO keep on purring!!

Check out easy to use, you can check out comps, they have sat maps and a ton of other real estate info

Im almost a daily visitor on that site and i found my current house on there a couple of years ago

Happy hunting my favorite Cat😸


I lived in Fredericksburg, Virginia briefly. Nice town. Charlottesville is pretty and often shows up on "Best Places to Live" lists.

The west coast of Florida is nice. Sarasota is very nice and I absolutely love Naples.

But my favorite state by far is California, even though I'm a little cross with it for its repeated attempts on your life.


How long did you live in Fredericksburg? Will also check out Charlottesville.

I never did get to the west coast of Florida, only West Palm Beach and, uh, oh hell ... Fort LauderDale (stupi sticking d key). Not a fan of FloriDa (ugh). The air is 98% water, for one. My closest friend lives in the Tampa area, but she says if it's Deadly and crawly, it's in Florida (hey, d key worked ... and ... again!! Fixed??). She runs into gators on a regular basis. No thanks.

I do love California, and have considered moving north, but the whole state is very expensive, and between all the fires (even in northern CA) and flooDs anD the high cost, I'm probably best getting out of DoDge. Besides, while some areas are friendly, in general I wouldn't say it's the friendliest place, although some neighbourhoods of some towns are.

Asheville has a TraDer Joe's. That's important to me. Don't know if they're in VA. If I move anywhere substantially east, I'll have to give up In 'n Out burgers :(. I know you know how hard that would be! I don't eat there all that often, but when you want one, you want one.

Edit: I'm pretty Damned miffed at CA for its repeateD attempts to off me too! NOT an endearing quality in a state.


I lived there for about a year. I've never been to Tampa, but southwest Florida is very different (and much nicer, imo) from the east coast.
