TristanReloaded's Replies

Fine. Good dodge. We will find out what he is. Men get arrested, dogs get put down. Jeez, that post started promising but dumbed down per line. The difference is Gunn breached contract and Disney CoC (i) by not disclosing his pedo&rape output (unlike his homo output he apologized for) and (ii) he continued it during his Disney tenure eg with the infamous Eagle snatches kid depravity. He is bottom of the barrel slime. And the fact that you defend him makes you his kind of scum. I notice: even though he left Man Child Universe and is at DC now you defend him and try to shit on Snyder (the man that gave us Watchmen). Maybe, just maybe James "I'd break my daughter in anally before she gets married"Gunn's tweets, videos and pedo pics arouse you just a little bit? Were you one of his "BFFs" at Nambla? Ahh, I see he was just joking? Suuuure, if you are into child rape it certainly must seem funny to you, like racist jokes to racists... But for the rest of mankind it's seriously disturbed. Your logical fallacy is false equivalency. If you compare the oft-mocked "dance off, turd blossom" dreck (defeating the films main villain lol) with a random dance in SS you are seriously retarded. And you are even more retarded if you compare one silly line in Aqua with a never ending plague of penis, turds and nipple dialogue in the anysmal racoon turd movies. Just from shit Vol 2: Hahaha I have famously huge turds!!! I will hide a squishy turd in your pollow case Did you create a penis? I have sensitive nipples I'm Mary Poppin y'all (cringe) He could be your David Hasslehoff! My name is taser face hahahahahahaha Professional asshole, pretty much a bro The scriffy puppy he is so cute he is gonna make me die!!!!! etc etc #fireJames"Cum stained boys make me EXTREMELY HAPPY"Gunn WB are scum for hiring this slime. I bet he gets spit out like hack Whedon soon enough. SuSquad2 is not even properly announced. And the star Harley Quinn gets her own movie with Birds of Prey. That being said, I bet you cannot work out two central legal differences as to why WB hiring Gunn is not as bad as if Disney kept him. I challenge you. the fanboy dost protest too much, methinks. I did not intend you hurt your feelings for Wood-Face Larson. She is sweet, especially her Stan Lee memorial photo Her(o). LOL at "mentally and obviously stupid", how mad you got. my man! I like you, that's enough Marvel for me. Thanks. Yes- he's a bit of a clown and gets his ass kicked royally. I like exactly that about him. Boy, you MCUs will soon try to migrate in masses from the Man Child Universe to DC when Captain Marvel finally arrives. She is so super strong and perfect - she even un-Sues Rey. And don't get your hopes up, Wood-Face Larson won't smile at you just for her concern that you could ask her for her number. Her only weakness amidst all her perfection...have fun.. "Muscle" is a term used for secondary villains who are not in charge, enforcers. That's exactly what Maul and Boba, or Jango and Manta were. They were awesome in that regard. Manat could be in Star wars and would look kewl, the artdesign design is iconic. If Black Panter would fight Aquaman, he would become Black Manta. If he fought Jabba, he would become Black Bantha. Venom is long beaten, it's higher than Fragglerock but slightly below Guardians2. They all got their ass handed over to them by Aquaman. Guardians was defeated in a dance off and Guardians 2 was flushed away like a raccoon turd. Thor is crying like a girl again when getting a haircut. Venom rolled away like a turd in the wind. Dance off, you big turd blossom! Lol, The DC movies are way more mature and for a way grown up fanbase, at least intelligence age wise. MCU with it's kiddy movies has nothing compared to TDK or Watchmen or even WW. The warehouse fight scene in BvS alone is the best fight since TPM dual of the fates. And real, not CGI heroes clobber porn-ing and crying "you should not have killed my mommy" like Ironman and that idiotic poser in GotG. In fact DC fans are typically fat middle-aged virgins with anger issues, like Star Wars fans...or like you Furious. Shame that you still sniff raccoon turd movies and get sensitive nipples about them. Grow some man-balls already, or I have to shoot that ball sack of a chin right out of your face one day (and will cry bitterly). Love, Tristan You lack nuance Tree Job, nuance. I do not remember being assaulted continously with penis, turd and nipples humor by James "I like it when little boys touch me in my silly place" Gunn. Now go blow a tree groot, as Gunn suggested in one of his pedo post. Yeah, but difference is Black Manta crawled out of the Sarlac pit for more at the end. And he handed Aqua's ass over to him so that Aqua nearly bled out. Aqua was lucky. Next film the ass-whopping continues. "I admire the fact that you take the time to count every time someone mentions poo in comic movies. Very dedicated. We are all in your debt for the sacrifices you have made" I don't so it's not a sacrifice. It's like registering that something stinks. Some have it others think it smells marvelous. Can millions of flies be wrong? "Anyway, we need solid numbers and you are the expert here." Not we. You need clear rules indeed. You should ask you mom first and work something out with her. [quote] How many poo jokes can a movie have? Is it the same as pee jokes or more? Are pee jokes slightly more intellectual than poo jokes? How many times can a character say the word penis? Also, what about booby and vagina jokes? Sure, you mentioned nipples before but those nipples belonged to a man and I want to know if female nipples are as offensive. You haven't said anything about vaginas in any capacity and I think this needs to be addressed.[/quote] It "can" have as many as it wants. The amount of lowbrow humor and bad writing will determin a movie's quality. It's a reflection of your character too. That's the beauty and curse of it. I see you are a bit unstable and often struggle with tone, but I am happy for you that you were able to reach a decison. [quote] "And just to be clear, one pee joke is okay but if it were two, it'd be a problem. Okay."[/quote] sigh, no, you do not comprehend the concept of nuance. It depends on (i) how often, (ii) in what context and (iii) to what degree (iv) what kind of word is used (like with maturity ratings, ever heard of that?). EG. "Turd in the wind" is stupid but I remember it just once used in Venom and no other quotes in this regard. But having character's discuss turd sizes randomly and explicitly plus threats of putting squishy turd in pillows, and all that just being the tip of the turdberg of trash panda's penis, turd and nipples dialogue is something else. Pee quotes are generally not regarded as being as depraved as feces jokes "I cannot pee in this suit" is not taht promematic unless this kind of dialogue is repeated throughout. Try testing it: Go to your mommy or some teacher in school and tell her that you cannot pee in a special pants, or tell her that you took daddy's squishy turd out of the toilet and put it her pillow case. You will see you get different reactions, also depending how often you do it the latter will hopefully get you daddy's belt. No, he was not really what I'd call "vengefull villain asshole", as he was somehow relatable. And I was explicitly talking about muscel-villains like Bobba and Maul who are usually a-hole grunts and not complexer main villains. Or neither Smith's Deadshot before. UPDATE: Nice job changing your post text after I reply...always shifting goalposts after my response several times is a sign of intellectual weakness (or childish trolling). I will henceforward quote your crap.... --- Only ONE you say (now) per movie? See, that is what I call nuance. These jokes must be so subordinate and seldom that I cannot clearly recall them. And I cannot recall the word penis in the WW dialogue at all? Now count how many times we hear "turd" in an idioticly juvenile Man Child context in this single scene alone: [url][/url] See, nuance is like gravity, all it needs is a little push. I was not even saying DCEU dialogue is completely bereft of juvenile idiocy, but it's several classes above MCU. That's what nuance is all about. Update: Nice job changing posts after responing. I am not terrified by penis, turds and nipples. I am just not as fascinated by those things as you are. To each his own. does AP stand for asinine piranha? Learn to distinguish points so not to create Star Men fallacies. Did I say: "there is such a crab-squid in Star Wars too, thus it's OK in Aquaman? No, that was not the point - the point was fable and fable creature serious talk. In fact if you ever saw SW/Trek there are a lot of silly looking aliens. It depends how you write them. Eg seafood-head aliens in SW: - Seahorse-Greedo boasting about getting Han to Jabba - Squidface-Ackbar talking about attacking Death Star - fish-eye Trade Viceroy talking about trade embargo, invasions and treaties - Watto talking about bartering, gambling and slavery - Crab Droids shooting Clones - Insect Geonosians talking about DS plans also check CloneWars S4 the underwater arc with talking shark villains. Point: some may be silly, but I do not remember them ever saying stuff like: Dance off, bro, you and me - you big turd blossom! Are you a professional asshole - a real pro! I shoot that ball-sack of a chin right out of your face, Did you create a penis?, Hahaha I have famously huge turds, I'm Mary Poopins y'all, They better not play hide-the-zuchhini! I have sensitive nipple…etc….etc Even Star wars at it's silliest is classes above the Man Child Universe. So is the DCEU. This is called nuance. QED It had the smallest second week decrease of 25%, MCU falls around 60+%. The latter is lead, the former Aquaman surfing on the tidal wave of success. Probably. The Man Child Universe is primarily made for children and manchildren. This is naturally the bigger demographic going to theaters. DC with their usually more mature filmmaking will never have such a reach. Thus, it makes little sense to compare numbers. Btw adult people do not define their self-worth by the box office results of superhero movies. Only manchildren without a life and career do. Thus your post is as revealing as its pathetic.