MovieChat Forums > lukejbarnett > Replies
lukejbarnett's Replies
it's morally wrong bc it's too many years between them to be morally right. and it never works in the long run so that right there tells you it's wrong.
the only time it would be ok is out of necessity like back in the 1800s when girls didn't have job opportunities so they'd be set up by their parents with guys with money ad power who could support them. but also the parents would marry them, the girl wouldn't just have sex with the guy it would be proper and moral.
they're taking advantage of them because girls under 40 are not mature enough to have a relationship with a mature guy, otherwise why are they getting with guys 16 or more years older than them? its' not natural.
no she doesn't if he is 48 or older.
wait no way. there is no way a horror movie made 200 million at the box office in the us. i've never heard of a horror movie making more than about 100 mill at the box office in the us.
bc it's morally wrong. you can want to be in a relationship with a girl, or bang a girl if you are 20 years older than her but you shouldn't do either thing bc it's wrong. bc you are taking advantage of her. she's not old enough all the way through her 30s to know this is wrong being with a man 20 years older than her.
it didn't make that much?
are you kidding me? that's a an awesome title. its' so fresh and new. and it's fitting bc it's 20 years later.
yeah well especially since it's a whole year later. wtf? at least some big movies i heard are coming out next year that were going to come out this year but not so late in the year probably like the new robert de niro movie something grandpa.
why did you say not threateningly handsome? how is being handsome threatening?
oh you mean you're thinking halloween ends was going to come out in 2022 anyway so it's not a big deal if halloween 2 comes out n 2021 instead of 2020. isn't that your point?
no i'm not. i'm taking as stand against this abhorrent behavior.
what does PS stand for? and what was your point? banging is better than having a baby?
of course it's normal but is it acceptable? moral? my answer for both questions is no.
as is it natural? no.
exactly. hey wait so we have to wait a whole year for this to come out now? no way? like people care about a halloween movie coming out halloween time?
exactly the worst thing that's ever happened to this country, the us is the corona virus. we didn't have the holocaust, that happened in germany. so this is our holocaust. all of our lives have been put on hold. this is the worst thing ever. i think of this as a war. it feels like being in a war to me.
everything is so emergency, craziness right now and has been ever since this started in america. the thing we're fighting is the disease. the problem is we can't win, we can only wait for it to go away and wait for them to get a vaccine.
what do you mean won't be so bad if they keep that one as 2022?
either way its' a stupid title. a day can't kill you and a person's kill count is a stupid idea to put in a movie title. now machete kllls works.
you're wrong. halloween h20 is one of the best films in this series. it's in the top 5. steve miner did an amazing job directing it. it has a great feel and it has so much quality filmmaking.
its' interesting how someone can be really smart in some ways but a stupid person bc they are so stupid. take kanye. a very intelligent rapper but a really retarded person bc of the things he does in public with kim and the things he says with kim and his naming babies the worst most idiotic and most inappropriate and wrong names ever.