lukejbarnett's Posts

finally, finally the worst, most useless, pointless, and most annoying show ever is over! um, you are white and you're not black at all her career is over, she's lucky bc most actresses of her ilk only get 5 or 10 years of being a star. finally a movie about bums, no really this is an original idea, lets center a whole movie around bums how in the world did that hot drunk brunette who hooks up the bum hide her pussy in that one shot? susan hayward is the only girl i've eve seen who looks quite unattractive from faraway and amazingly beautiful close up susan hayward: how can a famous actress have that annoying of a voice? so what's the point of watching this movie? she never redeems herself we hate her the whole movie one of the saddest moments in my movie watching life : watching ashley in accident man, she aged horribly, she looks uh and no one knows her from girl, interrupted no one knows her from mad men ugliest actress i've ever seen and thus shouldn't be an actress in movies or tv saddest moment ever while watching movies is watching her in spider in the web it's wrong how this is the only legitimate movie traci made which she shows her tits in a quality nudity way in is it true traci lords was up for the role that went to sharon stone in casino? it's wrong how traci lords despises people calling her an x porn star did he deserve all the big name movie big parts he got in the '80s and '90s? is he a great actor? sometimes he's great, he's always lovable except when he pl she was never a real actress because she never showed nudity