MovieChat Forums > spage > Replies

spage's Replies

That was rather fitting. Just read this post. You're a real sad case. A really special case. Haaaaa! You're SUCH a troll. I just read your reply and you genuinely sound unhinged, more specifically this sounds unhinged . . . "USAID ended apartheid in his country of South Africa. Afrikaaner Musk is attacking an important AMERICAN institution for revenge." It's nonsense. Couldn't tell if you were replying to me, so . . . Honest, I'm not a sock, just a long time browser of this forum. I set up an account ages back, couldn't remeber the password to enter the account, continued browsing this forum, found the password recently, logged in and I drop a few comments here and there. I'm a real human being, unafilliated with anyone else on here, or anyone elses account. Scouts honour. Loving the *smug smile*. You say "following Project 2025 after he said he wouldn't?" I haven't seen any info on this, and I would appreciate a breakdown / explanation if possible. Sounds more like the Demoprats to me . . . I see that you are just plain weird and racist. Racist. Well that reply just proves it. You said "Is that why I stopped laughing at Arrested Development season 5? I am currently watching it now, and I so rarely laugh at it, while I distinctly remember laughing at season 1, 2, 3, yes even 4. But the 5th? So rarley." That show wasn't funny after Season 4 when it changed streaming service. It was quite unfunny, so clearly you have no sense of humour. I'm sorry. Why would the USA want or need the people you speak of? Surely the people you are discussing are much more culturally aligned with their neighbouring countries. I suspect, from reading your post, that you lack a sense of humour all round. Some people just have something with their brain whereby they cant seem to understand when something is funny. Bu they then need to brag about it to everyone and feel that they are more mature and sensible than the people who can laugh at stuff. You say this, but Cabot Cove is no Santa Carla . . . Clearly you dont have a car and have never owned a car. Why would these car drivers want to sit on a bus next to people like you when they can drive their car to their destination and not have to sit next to people like you, or listen to people like you nattering away, or talking on your phone, or being rude and anti-social to all the people around you on the bus or even in some cases having to smell people like you. Some people stink on the buses. You state as fact . . "For starters, since only the top 0.1% of the richest people benefit from right wing politics, 99.9% of all right wingers are permanently voting against their own interest." Lets have some evidence to back up this claim? Maybe you're not very good at comprehending the news? Racists like yourself are just gonna' keep on racisting . . . You say "you'll see that within one generation the children of immigrants drop the religion of their parents and become atheists in larger numbers than the locals do." WRONG. It's common for them to beccome MORE religious as they use it as a form of belonging as they dont feel as naturalised as the natives and feel like they are split in two, one part supposed to be native to the country as they were born there, the other is their culture at home which is more traditional due to their parents origins, so they knuckle down and move further into their faith as it allows them to belong to something and be part of a wider community who also happen to be immigrants of the same faith. You are just MAKING THINGS UP and passing them off as facts. Please stop doing this. You said "This causes hate between all of them, because the locals believe the immigrants cause the unemployment, the immigrants fight back against the hate they are getting and there you have your terrorism." What??? Terrorism in England happens because locals think muslims cause unemployment? Pull your head out of your bottom. Did you just have some sort of verbal diarrhea, and just type a stream of consciouness into your keyboard, becuase that makes no sense whatsoever. You need to sit down and be quiet if this is what you are bringing to the table. filmflaneur, I think that you are a fool. There is no "Islamophobia" in England, there is only a reasonable concern about the behaviour of some of the adherents of the faith. You type like you have no knowledge of the atrocities that have been comitted in England in the name if islam.