LepInTheHood's Replies

Agreed, fantastic film......nitpicking aside šŸ‘šŸ» I donā€™t equate performance with box office numbers so I donā€™t think you have a point here. Once again here are the facts: 1.)Weaver cannot ride a bike 2.) Vikander did all of her own stunts 3. Weaver hardly did any action in ā€˜Aliensā€™, she lightly jogged and fired her gun a few times, plus she was very out of shape. 4.) Vikander is actually hot, making her a triple threat. 5.) Tomb Raider was the most physically challenging role for a female in the history of cinema and the movie is the best video game adapted film of all time. These facts cannot be argued, thatā€™s all Iā€™m trying to say. Sheā€™s a little too wimpy I think to pull off Lara Croft. Vikander is emotionally stronger and plus she knows how to ride a bike properly. Thatā€™s debatable lol, Blunt almost single handedly ruined ā€˜Sicarioā€™. Also she probably canā€™t even ride a bike all that great. Yes because acting ability, being athletic, and being believable on screen isnā€™t important. They should have definitely cast someone who doesnā€™t know how to ride a bike and just use cgi for the action parts. Brilliant!!! Yeah cuz Jackie Chan wasnā€™t a 40 year old midget during his prime years. Pfffffff please, Vikander was in the best shape of her life and did all of her own stunts, I honestly canā€™t imagine any other female Hollywood actress pulling off what she did. She did pack on 15 pounds of muscle for this role, or would you rather she just pack on some more weight in general? I prefer my chicks to look healthy and be able to ride bikes, hence why I think Vikander has the perfect female body. So you havenā€™t even seen the movie? Thank you for confirming that youā€™re in fact a troll. ā€œHow would you even know this?ā€ Hmmmm well Iā€™ve seen over 100 action movies with a female lead and determined which of those is the ā€œbestā€. Not really rocket science, maybe you should read ā€œTeaching basic logic to childrenā€ fifth edition. You should really take your own advice and go see the movie, itā€™s kind of pointless to troll a movie youā€™ve never even seen donā€™t ya think? Maybe just stick with your favorite movie ā€˜Tristan and Isoldeā€™? Now run along sport, fans of Tomb Raider are trying to discuss things, go on.... Hey, if riding bikes were so easy then why canā€™t Leslie Jones or Hilary Clinton do it? Sheā€™s going soooo fast too, think about it. Unfortunately my post got reported, I canā€™t discuss that matter further. Long story short, this movie is a masterpiece. maybe you should see the movie before commenting, now thereā€™s a thought. Vikander did all of her own stunts, let that sink in for a moment. Even Schwarzenegger used a stunt double often, these facts canā€™t be denied. Yes her level of fitness showed on screen, Weaverā€™s out of shape body ruined Aliens, this is a fact. MSNBC is fake news, thatā€™s like a Conservative pointing to National Enquirer as proof of wrong doing. Also Facebook is run by Liberals who already use information illegally and openly try to suppress Conservative viewpoints. Even if it was true, who cares? The Liberals control every social media platform, Hollywood, and Academia. Seems to me you want America to turn into Russia, will you be running the Concentration Camps? Whatā€™s in it for you? Weaver could barely run in Aliens, let alone jump or swing on objects. Vikander was in such good shape for Tomb Raider that itā€™s pretty obvious while watching the movie that no other Hollywood actress couldā€™ve pulled it off. Linda Hamilton couldnā€™t even ride a bike from what Iā€™ve heard, let that sink in for a moment. People are very much aware that a small percentage of police officers suck at their job and get overzealous and decide to beat an unarmed citizen who just committed a crime, however the general masses arenā€™t aware that more white people get shot and killed by the police each year than blacks do, the News makes it look like way more blacks get killed by the police than whites do because they only choose to show stories of blacks being shot and killed by police officers, do you see how this information is misleading and causing the masses to reach incorrect conclusions? Or how the media is practically brainwashing black people into fearing the police? Yes I agree that crimes need to be covered but only if they are covering it fairly and without bias, if they canā€™t be bothered to do that then maybe itā€™s time we start holding the news accountable for what they have done to this country. The Director/writer of the movie was definitely anti-liberal but I think Marvel tried to put their own two cents in at the end. They definitely poke fun at ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ and point out that letting refugees in would ruin the country. Itā€™s no wonder that the movie ends with them leaving the country to help those in need as opposed to letting outsiders in Wakanda and giving them free stuff. Non partisan way? Didnā€™t she blame a hurricane on republicans? Sheā€™s a Liberal nutcase lol I canā€™t think of a single ā€œall femaleā€ movie that has ever worked in the history of cinema. I prefer the ratio to be 8 men to every 3 women, this seems like the proper ratio. The movie is definitely Pro Trump, thatā€™s for sure