dilligaf's Replies

yes there will be a season 3. You really are a dickwad. You're a fuckwit mate, you do know that they are gay people in this world and they are allowed to have their story told. LOL!! LOL!!!! That' the funniest thing I have read in ages When does it get humorous? Earth Kitt was catwoman way before your white goddess Michell Pfieffer. That must blow your head up. WTF is an Overton pendulum, pendulums swing, I would very much you would swing, you're so far right you're vertical to the ground, no swinging there. What a twit. Go watch Once Were Warriors and get back to me Are you an incel? Demolition Man The Blind Side The Net Demolition Man. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8e/61/34/8e613454c1182cc01ca2560b9add6b60.jpg I think you are missing the point of the word parody agreed, it's parody is across the total political spectrum I liked it, laughed a lot which is a change from moswt modern movies. Cast is great, the satire is on point. A non-Glaswegians review of Glaswegians - Shitte. me thinks it was a parody of Fox. I assume you didn't understand the movie message if you think it is based on real events? bits of everyone, musk for the space crap, definitely biden for the way he talked and sniffed the hair How did it cross it? Thought it was spot on in so many ways