HarlemEagle42's Replies

It's too bad the Republicans didn't have total control of Congress to investigate-oh wait. Ever watched Blood Father? Sounds like that. Forgive them, they're colorblind. What polishing? That suggests confidence on their part. "...I think Trump won in spite of tremendous fraud against him..." Well I had a good laugh. Thanks! #LOCKHIMUP #LOCKHIMUP #LOCKHIMUP It's what they do best. And they're clamoring for George Lucas to come back? Just can't please anyone these days. I'm genuinely confused as to whether you're being serious or stealth trolling the OP. You'd think that her losing would show that she's obviously not the calculating criminal genius that the Right portrayed her as nor the wunderkind the Left gush about so much. The embargo will be lifted ten days before its release. Furthermore, what gloom are you seeing from the marketing? They don't have the guts. They'd probably cut it down to two hours and rehire Joss Whedon. At any rate, it seems silly to be triggered into an anti-Islamic rant by a movie clearly not meant to be historically accurate. Not just the Celts but don't tell the internet that. Must had been a good pay day. Weisz and Stone? Hoo-ray! America worships wealth and status. It's why the Kardashians remain popular and why Trump is president. ...who believes anything in this movie that has machine gun crossbows and archers wearing hoodies? I can see the complaints now from teabaggers not wanting Illuminati gang signs shoved down their throats. But can she sing?