MovieChat Forums > HarlemEagle42 > Replies
HarlemEagle42's Replies
Guess "Into the Spider-Verse" didn't fix everything.
An idiot is still an idiot whatever their age is. Why respect an idiot because they happen to be old enough to collect SS?
Getting to second base.
Right? Since when did filmmaking that aimed for going above and beyond become pretentious?
Which fact again?
Ralph get banned or something?
Agreed, it was really entertaining.
That was Tony, Karl's brother. Marco was the loose cannon trying to shoot John under the table.
I still liked WW a little better. But this definitely had a far superior 3rd act.
If this had the Marvel/Disney logo, they'd splooge all over it.
Sssh, don't embarrass them!
Care to elaborate?
Hey look everyone, an old man’s talking! Let’s ignore him.
They’re all a fickle spiteful lot. Their anti-DC bias has been stoked for years.
Hey, no need to be a dick. I'm pointing out the sharp reversal of the consensus.
Slim chance might be right, the way that AQUAMAN's reception is turning against it. It dropped to like four points today on the Tomatometer.
She could had tried out for Tomb Raider too. How's her British accent though?
Right now it looks just okay. Harmless if still bland. Nothing as cringe worthy as Ghostbusters 3 (that's what it really was).
Not so much a winner with critics after all though. 65% on RT? What happened to all those positive reviews it got? I cannot see this been a lesser film than Thor: The Dark World or Spider-Man 3 or Superman Returns. That's ludicrous!