George's Posts

Was the bomb that killed Harry and his team activated automatically when someone entered the home? Do you think that Howard Payne did the right thing when he killed Hellen? Hatcher really put his nose where he didn't belong Do you think that Samir was evil for the sake of being evil or did he think that he was doing the right thing? Would innocent people have died if Simon survived which he did? Did Sean Miller do the right thing when he killed the other two villains because they disagreed on who to kill? The Meg wasn't evil Sean Miller wasn't evil Who was more evil? Ritchie or Wah Sing Ku from Lethal Weapon 4? Who was more evil? Hassan or Ritchie from Out For Justice? This or Octopussy? Why did Kristatos not want blood in the water if his intention was to kill Bond and Melina? Was Nagi Hassan evil? This could have very well have being Under Siege 3 What was the most evil thing that Kananga did? who was more evil? Kananga or Ivan Korshunov from Air Force One? Do you think that Zorin knew the difference of right and wrong or do you think that he couldn't help it? I doubt that Richie loved his girlfriend Who was more evil? Rane or Screwface from Marked For Death? Do you think that Isabel's revenge was justified?