MovieChat Forums > KBiker > Replies

KBiker's Replies

Keep believing his bullshit. Along with him, you'll go down his rabbit hole of delusional thinking. <blockquote>No President has had to suffer the cocktail of indignities, relentless targeted hate, media lies, kangaroo court trials, attempted assassinations and efforts to undermine him while in office</blockquote> Indignities, targeted hate, media lies, kangaroo court trials, attempted assassinations, and efforts to undermine him while in office? They were all well deserved. Not propaganda, Miyagi, just confirmed facts by more than just the Times. And why are all you MAGAs so foaming-at-the-mouth full of hate, believing you are decent people who want everyone who disagrees with your politics to be "drawn and quartered." <blockquote>Lying, cheating and bullshit are a part of politics.</blockquote> True, but Trump takes it to another level. No, just sad to read or hear that it's a MAGAs only retort. I guess you didn't read the provided link, or maybe you didn't understand it. <blockquote>Trump became president to "make Murica great again." As a result, he alienated Europe with tariffs and threats about taking over territory held by other NATO members (Denmark/Greenland) and practically lost all the closest allies of the he did the same to Canada. </blockquote> This is just the idiot being himself. Isn't this typical behavior from our criminal president? That's your impotent answer? I saw that too. It was probably in the Times. This is Trump gearing up to throw away the constitution and run for a third term or declare himself dictator for life, like Papa Doc Duvalier from Haiti. Good one. And thanks for your reply to my post on <i>Baby Driver</i>. I neglected to get to it right away. <blockquote>America wanted a moron in control.</blockquote> And they got one, in spades. There were no fake ballots. That's been proven seven ways from Sunday. Take a look at this: <blockquote>President Tariff lied, per usual.</blockquote> Yes, as it is his go-to response to anything. Then he tried walking back the firings, and he had trouble there: I concur, mostly. Rather than Josh Shapiro, though, I nominate Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan. <blockquote>His approval ratings are actually higher than his first term.</blockquote> And this means what? His approval ratings were dismal in his first term, as time went by. That's why he was booted out in 2020. And BTW, I got my info from the so-called failing NYTimes. Slurs seem to be MAGAs go-to answer to any criticism of Trump. What does your looong list above have to do with money? You must have a lot of time on your hands.