MovieChat Forums > PinbackWiggly > Replies
PinbackWiggly's Replies
Ba ha ha that is what I thought when I saw that scene!
Debbie Reynolds (her mom) was quite the looker as well.
Yes Yes Yes! And she looks wonderful today almost 30 years later.
I liked it! Not usually into the Hallmark Channel warm and fuzzy movie of the week, but this one worked. I would have made the baseball game at the end a little shorter, but I am a huge fan of movies that can be made decent on a small budget. Also, an appearance by LG Jr is always a good thing. Liked the cleaning the garage metaphor for the husband's life. Even a doof like me picked up on that one.
If they would have thrown in a random clip of him going at the Khaleesi from behind, I'd have to bump it to 8.
Yeah, and I wasn't sure about this. Did the mom call the police to let them know there was shooting up on the mountain, or did she just drive up there?
The dad's approving nod and the little girl laughing and Manny jetting away with a smile, I agree, told me that we were no longer in reality but back in Hank's fantasy world. He's being led off to most likely a psychiatric hospital (I'm not sure they can put you in prison for having a picture of a woman on your phone and a weird shrine in the forest behind her house). In his mind though, it was a happy ending. Wherever he goes, he will be ok because everyone believed him and forgave him.
I've been polled lots in my lifetime (census, Facebook, customer satisfaction survey), but nobody ever took a pole like Charlie.
Wow that movie makes so much sense after you walked me through it here. You should be proud of your abilities to dissect a movie so well. I even had to up my IMDB rating of it after your explanation. Your awesome synopsis does lead me to believe that having some background knowledge of the occult would help the average Joe follow the plot of Hereditary. Anyhow, thank you kindly!
Hmmm, this sounds like a Clint Eastwood movie I once watched. :)
Ethan spent 8 years away fighting wars and then many more years tracking and killing anyone who got in his way on his search for his niece. I thought it was made apparent from the beginning of the film that he had no interest in cattle ranching or settling down. And since his closest family had been killed off, he really had nothing to go back to. Removing Debbie from the Comanchee one way or another was all he had left to do with his family. Once it was taken care of, he moved on to another chapter in his life (probably tracking or killing or fighting some more).
The movie seemed to leave that up to interpretation. If he was, he did not seem too jealous when she was dating the doctor.
Agree, boy and the cat. When he is celebrating the cat's birthday. So sad. Happy ending! :)
Agreed, bad people can do good things, and it seems Landon channeled much of his good into his shows.
I did enjoy the episode where Mark was eating a lot.
I still liked it alright, but agree there were not many laughs. I don't think I laughed much in the first season of the Simpsons either, so I'll give them a chance with season 2.
I didn't get this movie other than staring at Amanda Seyfried. Does this mean I am straight?
Don't know why, but this is my favorite part of the movie. Love it!
Wasn't a bad film. Probably didn't need as many f-bombs as it had, and the tiny bits of nudity didn't do anything to add to the movie's success. That being said, I really enjoyed the premise. Was Mandy Patinkin the orc policeman, or am I getting by buddy cop movies mixed up?
Interesting! I looked into this briefly. The Admiral says that they are being attacked by Hottentots. An appropriate use of the word for the time (1910), but could be seen as being derogatory today. Hottentots was another name for a group of peoples from southern Africa. When the chimney sweeps were jumping around all covered in soot, well, I suspect this led to the Admiral's politically incorrect comment.