chilidoggg's Posts

Graven-Image-Worshipping Papists Get $3.5 Billion! $3.25 Trillion New Debt February to June Jefferson's Rough Draft Declaration of Independence U.S. Supreme Court sends Indiana abortion cases back to lower courts Supreme Court Rejects Challenges to Abortion-Clinic Bubble Zones Nine! Nein! Nineteen! Mnuchin defends Trump's stance on Confederate monuments Supreme Court Gives Religious Schools More Access to State Aid You Can't Always Get What You Want? If I Were Draining The Swamp Marriott to Sell Cuba Property to Trump for Pennies Kansas Prepares For Nuclear Annihilation All Hail Our Homo-Emperor! “That is not ‘her church,’ that is not ‘her bible,’” Flag Of Treason Baby Steps To Reduce Rioting How's John Bolton's Book Coming Along? "The Unluckiest Generation In U.S. History" The Most Disloyal Actual Retard...