Jimmyt11111's Replies

No they will just recast him as BAME. " Henry the xviii and his six racially diverse wives" Maybe black people wernt allowed to go to the cinema in america then. So they didnt think it was worth putting any in. At last. Someone who agrees that ragnarok was crap. Thanks TJ It wouldn't hit an iceberg. They've all gone due to global warming! Which ones Janet? Thanks for the feedback people. Just saved me some money. P.S. Stay safe all. Would a jury really put away a cop who's pregnant wifes head had been cut off by a mass murderer and was taunting him with the fact? Everyone prefers fight club.They just DONT TALK ABOUT IT! I watched it for the first time last night. What a beautifully shot film. I think the assassin would've killed junior if he had been told to. As he didn't after killing Michael. By the way as soon as Michael walked into the house I was waiting for the bullets but still made me jump! John Conner was killed off because obviously only a female can be the saviour of mankind. I mean come on it's obvious men cant possibly be leaders anymore in Hollywood. I can foresee a time in the near future where all movies are all female led with men being " love interest". Action films are aimed at men so when this happens a lot of films will bomb. No I've got the big one.! Why would they make a movie that's the same as the comic. Everyone who had read them would know the plot and how they end. Me I'm just glad I had a movie to look forward to every few months. It was a good 11 years and I'm grateful. Cant say I'll bother with the new un avengers ones though. And he only came out of retirement if they were to come back at that time. Not 5 years ago. Why? Tony said he only help if he could keep his family. If they could've got the people back at the instant they dusted no.one would be the wiser. Apart from all the crashed cars and planes etc.! Also no one has thought about when all these billions of beings all over the universe came back. Where did they come back to? The place they disappeared from??? If jonesy was a flerken it would've gobbled up the alien! Remember, Titanic was un unsinkable.. Before it hit an iceberg! They could've taken turns in the infirmary pod. Or a smurf. See they never tried!