AckbarsCorpse's Replies

Sorry Bubba, but Interstellar sucked donkey balls. And so did Douchekirk. Nolan is a mess. Only noteworthy film was Insomnia, probably cuz it was written by someone else. Amen. cos everybody whining about worstshow, worst writers, worst everest ever. She has no boobs so what's the point? So Frog is a gurl? That's tough. Never really liked him as an actor but my best wishes. Get well soon. 😯 My prediction : they cancelled it but they're gonna announce it after the Ep9 release to prevent box office damage. Male pornography HOW AM I NOT ON THAT LIST?! Arya will kill her. Then she kills Dany, Euron, Jon and Jamie. Finally the Hound kills Arya and wins the iron throne. Fact. Totally. Horrible ratings, story sucks. They're gonna shut down this mess. Chicks, Boobs and Lasercannons I had no choice. The news arrived right before you did. I'm sorry. getting a life? kinda ironic, coming from satan 🤔 Not so far fetched. Hitler turned to the dark side after reading an anti semitic book written by Henry Ford. Heck, he even awarded Ford with a Nazi gold medal for it later 1938. Amen. #metoo Captain Marvel Originally the title was 'The Rey Of Skywalker' but Disney changed it last minute to not upset white male fans too much.