AckbarsCorpse's Replies

George Lucas was in fact one of the most influential Marxist and Leninist intellectuals and thought leaders of the 20th century. Maybe he's not that stupid. "Hi, I'd like to buy a rope. A thick one, like they use for lynching people and stuff" "Sure. Hey.. I know're the guy from Empire?!" " What about the lynching...ah never mind" "Ok. And great show by the way...wink, wink" Trump ruined Star Wars "please clap" Omg what an idiot. no tell that to justin bieber You might be on to something. I rather should have referred to her sphincter muscle. My bad. She was hot in Tron though He's probably a scumbag but the girl "realized" she was raped a few years after the incident. That's peculiar. Ugh.. she was so god-awful in Westworld. Untalented, insolent b#tch. from his insta account [url][/url] Nolan is the greatest director of movie trailers ever. seriously the visuals and sound design of his trailers are breathtaking. the movies on the other hand are pretentious garbage. pubertal mystery box nonsense pretending to be profound and "complex". your list of flaws is well-meant but pointless. Kenny Loggins, yay or nay? I can't find my reading specs. Where are they? He's Pete Buttigieg "Instead of bringing up the rear" Rather should have brought out her rack. Agree? jeg har det godt... but please let's stick to english, as this is an international board. Cheers I didn't even watch it. Lol. "But I poop from there! Not right now you don't..."