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Starman's Replies
The child was behaving like a cynical adult, and that's quite disturbing, but I understand the point of the film is to bring him back to his innocence and real life. But I prefer children that talk and seem like children, those kind of children that in real life are annoying to adults, but for the right reasons.
I'd prefer that most movies start going PG13 for a change, to reasses what films are about, gore and blood is not what makes the film scary and realistic, quite the opposite sometimes, films are about illusion of showing only something while leaving other things to our imagination, it is the tone, editing, lighting, characters, story, and so on that makes the film scary. If there's gore and grittiness and yet the film feels completely removed from relatable reality or horror, then R-rating used to achieve those things is meaningless.
True awakened people don't have to try to sound woke, I share the truth God speaks through me, right now, right here, and that is sacred, which I admire and what I am grateful for, anyone's truth is sacred that comes from within, I don't think if that is clever or not, I am nothing, I don't think anything, awakened people do not care how anything comes across to someone otherwise they would not be awakened, but part of the world. Being awakened does not mean to be demeaning to others or telling them how they should talk so they could be part of the sleeping crowd. But I understand, superiority/inferiority norm mentality is still ruling this world projecting it onto others. You're welcome to enjoy your ego trip if that's your definition how humans talk, I don't mind it.
PS: For others reading this thread, please take a notice how people respond... one can learn something, notice how none of them responded without putting someone else down, notice what triggers these people to that kind of reaction.
I'll direct you to this video
I have been a vegan before being raw for 10 years, so in general I have not been taking any B12 for more than 10 years, and the last blood check from 4 years ago showed that basically I am supposed to be suffering consequences by now, it never happened, and I never felt better. Doctors are completely confused about this understandably, there's a lot they don't know or don't understand, their own scales and measurements of what is norm is based on the population eating mostly meat or vegetarians. The whole idea of B12 is a myth that concerns only those with clogged up colons.
?!?... healthy clean human bodies do not need B12, because the body produces it on its own when it's clean, that means by either fasting on water or urine (a month long minimum) or perhaps colonics... it's all in the cells that need to be allowed to start producing on their own. I've never been taking any B12 for 8 years being raw, and I'm fine. But when you're raw, then sometimes a blood check can confuse people thinking that they have critically low B12, and so they need to take it, no that's not how it works, one has to understand that when you're raw and eating maximum 1200 calories a day, the body automatically does not need too much B12. A raw vegan who has been regularly fasting, one doesn't need to eat much, therefore does not need much B12 either. However each body is different, but this is generally the principle that one can learn from some long time raw vegans.
As a raw vegan for years I've been eating 20 bananas a day sometimes and I dont see much difference, but I just can't remember how they used to be about 20 years ago, I wish I could, you're really good if you can remember.
God is transgender, our spirit is. Oh my, what I am saying has been known for a long long time, nothing new under the sun. Some people are just clueless, that's why they need facts, because they don't know where to find the truth. Millions of us are currently in the process of healing our toxic masculinity and feminity, with all kinds of courses and practices, and films like this merely reflect our work to bring it back to its balance. People like gender fluid or transgender folks are no doubt helping all of us to blow our minds away from stuck patterns of polarity.
This film is actually very original in the way it's made. Most Carpenter's films never made money back... this film's appeal hides in its uniqueness that only some people can appeciate. I am glad that not everyone can see the film the way it's made to be seen. The ones who see the power and genius of this film have very refined tastes.
To me it is still John Carpenter's greatest and scariest film to date... the most powerful, not in terms of popularity, but in its power to produce in us imagination enough to start creating in our minds events that could have happened yet were never shown, and it is those events in our minds that can become living nightmares, like in my case, because it allows you to go very far in your imagination, very very far, it works almost as a literary fiction or a comic book, it suggests possibilites of what might be happening or have happened, but unlike Rashomon type of films, there is never revealed at the end what is true and what is not, thus then it gives you the freedom to imagine alternate realities to each scene, as if each scene or image was merely reflecting a bigger chain of events. Ghosts Of Mars is literally loaded with imagination, it took me almost 10 years to find out the trick in how Carpenter achieved this, the whole magic was all in the editing and narrative.
People are facing the end of toxic masculinity and feminity in media and films and subconsciously that is perceived by ego as unrelatable and bad. In my view that's the deepest reason hiding underneath it all, all the other things on top of these roots are just a mirror of this truth deep down. They are a dying breed of generation and these films are basically targetting younger new generations embracing the evolutionary change we are currently going through. Some people have the problem to face the possible realization that as a civilization we are heading towards a genetic androgyny where no male or female exists, but a human being with the sex and a genitalia of both genders and an ability to conceive a child, which based on many theories, discoveries by archeologists and observations by alchemists and prophets, we used to be like this in ancient times before the fall of Atlantis, before the Adam and Eve myth and before religions started futher separating cosmos into duality of good and evil, man and woman, heaven and hell, futher distorting our original design where we contained both in one, a superhuman design. People can't see there's something much bigger than them, the reaction to this film is just a mirror, a small example of what is really going on in their minds psychologically, this is much deeper than just a film, it's the whole fear of an evolution taking its own course, fear of God outside and inside guiding our own evolving path.
The moment people start using words like a "serious" as an indicator of better, I stay away right there, I almost wanted to watch the remake, as I haven't seen it, I better not now, thank you.
I prefer artistic personal touch of an auteur over something that belongs to the reality that anyone can replicate, Romero creates his world, his version of reality, perhaps anything that is so-called campy is made that way. :)
In the garden among the flowers. Did you know that when having sex in the garden, it cultivates the soil and makes flowers and vegetables grow more resilient and faster? This is the ancient wisdom some indigenous tribes in central America used to be taught.
Probably the most famous example, Steve Guttenberg. People have no idea how huge a star he was in the 80's, probably bigger than anyone else mentioned here. I find it sad to see him in such small films these days. His charm and charisma were part of his appeal, very rare to see such joyful charisma in actors these days. He could uplift the mood of any viewer and make you smile.
Of course this film is nothing but a pure propaganda pushing its own narrative to fit their own agenda, unlike Rambo III and IV which were more like allegoric documentaries, but it doesn't mean that there's not been some occasions when things like this could have happened in the states.
The Edge may have dullness, but that dullness is what makes it feel more real. Revenant feels too manipulative visually by putting attention to its itself instead of keeping the camera as invisible as possible. And I haven't even watched The Revenant all the way, only about 5 minutes, because visual manipulation pulled me from this right away. When you watch The Edge, you feel like you're there, but the more you shake the camera and move it around too much with thousands of angles it loses the human element, because human eye gets to see one event only from very few angles, we don't have eyes everywhere. This is one of the main reasons why usually films where the camera is in places no human would be at the time makes the film less real. The Edge very often keeps the visuals at the ground level, very minimalistic.
It seems like Americans are getting increasingly more cynical to enjoy classically made movies. This was the case for a long time... for instance people outside don't care about private lives of celebrities enough for them to determine whether to go see their films, words like cheesy don't even exist in translated form or the same context in most languages of other countries around the word, I would say that overseas audience is less spoiled and more humble in general... it has a lot to do with education, upbringing and culture. Or maybe more imagination too, as millions of people overseas used to watch films dubbed in another language since they were kids and dont care, for example I can't imagine to ruin a film for myself by watching it in the original language if the dub makes the film better and is more convincing. As someone from Europe I also have to see a film that is bad, I can enjoy anything, more than just a film, but the experience of watching itself is enjoyable. Of course a lot of things are also Americanized, in the sense, that people are susceptible to the cynical mentality with the influence of the western media, this was never the case under Soviet regime in the Eastern block, there was a huge difference in consciousness of people. Sometimes restriction breeds more humility and respect, because with ultimate freedom one is easy to lose self control of how they wish to maintain their values and outlook on life. Maybe that is why someone like Trump is a welcome breath of fresh air, for re-evaluating of what people take for granted and self-restriction.
I know that not everyone likes or dislikes something, there's millions who like that film just like there's millions who don't, they just don't even appear in the theatre, let alone talk about it. It's more positive to talk about things that appeal to us, this thread is about that by making a point.