Starman's Replies

Those kind of people who laugh at ideas like toxic masculinity completely miss what it actually refers to. This. Meaning they lack the feminine side to balance their muscilinity, and insecurity comes as a result, rage, hatred and voilence. The scares from Pennywise seem far more direct in these new films, the mini-series relied on a traditional image of clown being nice, yet it was subverted, that's what was so sick in its deceiving method, which used to traumatize many people to this day. It's good to study todays perception of fear or darkness through this film compared to the 1990's film. It's a lot less deceiving and more open in its effect, it basically tells you where to be scared. 1990 version was not so clear, it seemed like he's just having fun, it was weird and that is what was so scary. Many films in the late 80's early 90's contained a similar deceiving fear factor, that seemed more as a time when films were sort of polished and light, yet when horror came all the more disturbing it became. Clowns can be scary because they present a dishonest image of themselves, it allows them to smile at you, yet with all that mask a child can feel that the smile seems like something they hide behind, that entity seems very foreign to a child. I think that is what the novel and films tapped into. More often when a smile looks fine to a child is when it comes from something cute or comforting and assuring of who they are. Some children can also be sometimes scared by people of different races, after they were growing up around people of their own race for the same reason of facing something foeign to them. Our triggers often are inherited in our DNA, the horror in fiction tend to merely re-awaken those triggers to remind us where we need to focus in order to heal inside. Fear of clowns can stem from our lack of trust, anxiety or fear of losing control, do some further digging into your psyche, to notice where that fear comes from inside you exactly. That is also why horror films have become popular in the first place, they provide a venue for a re-experience of subconscious trauma and psychological healing, people love being triggered in safety, it's up to us to uproot those triggers or just leave them be and be mindlessly entertained to no end. If most men and women from the 80's took time machine to this year to appear in Stranger Things, it would feel somehow different, I would imagine that proportionally a lot more women and men in the 80's would be a bit more politically incorrect, butchy, macho right wing type of guys very much into fitness and building the body. The 80's women's big hair has also been kind of missing. Carpenter's films are at odds with the tastes of the public, I think few average people like his films in my experience, maybe Halloween films would be an exception though, Carpenter's films are not targetted towards a wide range of emotions and the audience, they demand a "special" interest, whereas most mainstream films can attract a wider spectrum of the audience of any kind, because they usually contain more a universal appeal, that means they are rarely genre films anyway, also include all kinds of emotions but never go too far to challenge the human senses, some people dare to call such films bland for that reason, which is fine, so yes I think being a Carpenter fan can make you special, only in that sense, that you probably have a special taste, although everyone is very special in their own way. Personally I think Ghosts Of Mars deserves to become a Tv show that explores the colonies on Mars, and all these adventures like what happens in this film, I wonder if there is even one single show that is set on Mars with people living there. I would also welcome GOM novellization, so much to tackle that the film didn't do, but only hinted at. This is the only film in existence that is on another planet that made me imagining so much about what is going on with very little shown. It's almost like reading a novel instead of watching a film. This film kinda reminded me of the Quatermass series. I always felt that the filmmakers behind Aliens films could take some inspiration from this film about how to properly respect the audience's imagination, imagination tends to be sacrificed for the sake of intellect, that includes logic, very self limiting, because imagination can always get you much further and provide any way beyond anything as long as it respects the narrative boundaries. I like how Carpenter helped the viewer to see thru the eyes of almost every single character, including Martians and their backstories, absolutely incredible amount of information all providing atmosphere and blurring the lines of good and evil. He was ahead of time back in 2001, now it's become more of a narrative standard of a lot of films being made these days. It looks good, when it comes to politics driving films these days, the movies are still less politically motivated than in the last century, although people have finally become more aware of how movies are actually driven by current politics, the difference is that people only focus more on that and it's become less hidden to audience, we live in a very transparent age. I am more happy that we can see the politics behind it unlike in the past when people were blind to it and filmmakers and film studios were much more cunning in those days. As long as this film distances itself from the previous films in the franchise the more up to date it is going to be to reflect current times on a larger scale, that includes the tone. You can not give it a dark tone like the first Terminator film if the current decade doesn't reflect it, the 80's in general had a specific tone, largely because of the social climate at the time, that included the physical and touchable relationship with reality (completely foreign in a digital age), cold war, fear of nuclear attack, etc.. If it tries to replicate that, it feels fake and inauthentic and by design can't appeal to the majority of the audience. The poster made me go watch this Star Wars after not seeing previous two films, not really interested ever watching those. I generally love watching films that are sequels by avoiding the previous films anyway, it can nicely train the psychic senses. It connectes in mood and vision with other films of that period of time, which also were quite popular in the late 80's, that is Roboforce (I Love Maria), They Live and Robot Jox. As a child and still almost 30 years later I always prefered this group of films over Robocop, Blade Runner or Aliens. Gunhed had an indelible impression on me back then, and still speaks to me on a very subconscious level. What makes films like this stand out, is the uniqueness, whether it comes to film stock or narrative. Make it as a situational drama and thriller, by placing it in a concentration camp set up by these machines, where survivors are making attempts to escape. It is the background of this fictional world that is abundant with potenmtial new ideas and allegories. Such a breath of fresh air after decades of badass male-focused movies, I was tired of their well known agendas for a long time myself, the worst of all it was an unconscious agenda, now people are at least aware and do it with purpose to not only balance things out, but to show all colors of humanity that is not black and white, but genetically all over the place. Unfathomable how in the past there were only a few filmmakers like Howard Hawks, John Carpenter, Katheryn Bigelow, Tsui Hark or Paul Verhoeven, who rebelled against these stereotypes, these were true pioneers who stepped much closer to reality of how women or just people really are or can be, especially these days. My VHS casettes are 40 years old and still playing without scratch, I can't imagine they'd just stop playing all of a sudden at least within the next about 60 years, it would not surprise me if the oldest of them all like VHS would outlast them at the end, the more we go into the past the more we find out how things were built to last a lot more than most recent things. Yes I'm meaning rating like from 1 to 10. I understand that actually on Imdb it can be useful in some way now, I can make a picture of what a certain section of society values as quality, it says more about society than the product actually, however it is unnecessary to me, imagine the world where there are no critic reviews or ranking of movies (or any art), and all we had to decide whether the film is good for us to watch is the story and a poster, I believe lots of people don't need more than that anyway, personally I avoid trailers as they tend to show too much. I am old school, I didn't grow up reading critic reviews where they rated films 1/10, in the old days critics used to be more like Ebert by going deeper into the film's content and truly delve into and examine the depth of the art. This film was so huge back in the 80's in my country, we kids talked about it at school all the time, it remained a cult in my memory the same like Evil Dead, both equally masterful, it seemed like everyone wanted to see it at the time the way we kids used to hype it up, to many of us it was far scarier than Alien, and after watching it again 25 years later it sure still is to me, perhaps one of the most terrifying films ever made to this day. William Malone is a master of his unique vision. 50's type of films like this only inspired Dan O'Bannon for writing Alien, it's almost like a prequel. I must admit this film was lucky not to have a bigger budget to create the maximum effect in the atmosphere and tension. Classic old fashioned filmmaking at its best, relying on the imagination, not the extravagant props or authenticity. To me this show is more about todays climate and culture than the 80's, it's not made in a vacuum, otherwise it would not resonate with the audience nowadays on a subconscious level. Almost nobody in this show behaves the way people behaved in the 80's, it's been reflective of todays times since the first episode, when it comes to dysfunctionality of families, female power, bullying, etc. It's all very conscious on the filmmakers'part. It comes to 80's only on an extremely superficial level, mainly from the technical standpoint. This film nicely shows the shift in generations, this was the golden age in film schools and film industries, the old generation of filmmakers was going away and new ones coming in, perhaps in greater numbers than ever before. That never happened since then, not in that way. Some people could perhaps see a similar shift or change in films after 2000 though, personally I feel a lot has been changing since the mid 2010's when it comes to Hollywood film industry, it might become more apparent with the coming years the next decade. So I can see this film as a parallel to nowadays and a reminder of what used to be, and what is about to come. In recent years. Alright, yet the prosperity of the European cinema has in many ways started declining after the fall of the Berlin wall in 89. In my view, a lot also has to do with the American overreaching influence once that happened. Most European filmmakers started immigrating or just copying Hollywood instead of tapping into their cultural roots to rebuild the industry. I would say that it is possible the European Union may have had an effect on this as well. The European film industry has to some degree skipped the generation as some critics used to say. Now we got old veteran directors carrying duties of the younger filmmakers. Anyone who has an opinion that others define as annoying can be a troll, and that in fact can turn out to be anyone, you and me. And so there comes the reason people can be equipped with for censoring free speech. Even hatred itself is subjective. And when this platform is not owned by anyone but only the moderators themselves, they can not delete anyone. People are free to get rid of someone if they're in their house or they own the space they intrude upon, not in a place open to everyone. Imdb was in their rights to censor whatever they wanted, people were just guests, however we're responsible, respect different opinions otherwise other people who own places like this will follow your example and start tolerating less and less, censoring and deleting more and more just for different opinions alone.