MovieChat Forums > bigben > Replies
bigben's Replies
You're telling people not to bother responding to him...but respond yourself. Thats legit hypocrisy lol.
And silenced lol. Its a message board bro. You're taking things a little too seriously.
Mission Impossible has only gotten better and better, so you really can't act like there are no great movies like them. Im not sure how Bourne jumped the shark either...Jason Bourne wasn't very good, but it wasn't terrible. It wasn't woke and didn't ruin the character. Silly to say it jumped the shark.
You keep telling people to forget Hans....but YOU keep replying to him yourself lol. You're either being a hypocrite, or a troll. Which is it?
When did he play both sides until he was being threatened by Bellick. He helped Michael by stealing the watch. Not only did Michael do NOTHING for him in return, but it got him in trouble with Bellick. Thats not playing both sides. Thats trying not to get killed by a psychotic correctional officer.
He did mock John McCain, and by saying, "I like people who don't get caught", I'd call that insulting to every POW.
I admitted I was wrong about him never strongly condemning them. But then he walked it back. As I said, if you march with people embracing Nazi ideals, you're despicable. These weren't two separate rallys. They were the same one. Statue defenders marched with the Nazis. If they had decency, they'd have made it clear they wanted nothing to do with the Nazis. Instead they marched with them, side by side.
Oh, and the rally was set up and let by Richard Spencer, a Nazi. Why the hell would you go to a rally set up by him if you disagreed with him?
At that specific rally, everyone on that side was wrong. At other rallys protesting removing monuments, they weren't bad people. But at that one they were.
Schindler wasn't a Nazi. He didn't support them, share their ideals, or help them commit genocide. He worked against them. So no, he wasn't a Nazi.
You just compared Schindler to people protesting against removing statues of a bunch of traitors. Wow.
You mean like you're trying to talk your way out of admitting you lied about Trump and Obama?
Says the poster who refuses to admit he lied about what Trump said about Obama and refuses to admit Trump lied and is a traitor for smearing Obama? You have zero right to call anyone else a coward. Why don't you lead by example and admit your lies?
LOL. And you accuse me of twisting words? I'm talking about today, in parades and rally's. Americans waving around a Nazi flags, who AGREE WITH THE IDEALS OF NAZIS. Schindler didn't. That's the difference. Wearing the symbol was also part of his cover to save the lives. If he came out against them in Germany, he'd never have been able to save anyone. By acting like he supported them, he was able to save thousands of lives because the actual Nazis stupidly trusted him.
Oskar Schindler wasn't prejudiced, wasn't anti-semantic, didn't take part in genocide, and saved thousands. He didn't embrace the Nazi ideals. The people carrying the symbol today do. The only people who fly Nazi flags today are racists. There's no defending it. They're also traitors, since they embrace an enemy country that killed thousands of Americans.
At the rally, most of the people had Nazi flags. If you march with Nazis' that's despicable. What they should have done was leave once they realized there were so many Nazis and white supremacists and done a different rally. Not join with them. So no, none of them were "very fine people". If he never said the quotes I provided, I'd agree with you. But after he said the things you said, he took ten steps back. So I'll admit he strongly condemned them at first, I was wrong about that. Shame he ruined it by not keeping his mouth shut. Now you can admit you lied.
But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me,” he said.
“You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists,” Trump said. “The press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”
“You also had some very fine people on both sides,” he said.
Sorry, what were you saying?
Why don't you admit you lied about what Trump said about Obama wiretapping him? And then admit Trump lied.
Roy Moore does support putting gays in prison. He was removed as a judge twice for not following the law. He purposely went against any gay parent or spouse in his court. It's fine not to support Jones, but you cannot say Moore is even a tiny bit better.
I must have missed where Antifa was the one who purposely drove into a crowd of people and killed a woman. And before you accuse me, yes I'm aware Antifa has done terrible things. But on that day, the Nazi's were the problem. And no, he has barely come out against them. This is what he should have said, "I condemn any violence no matter what side you were supporting. Violence against protesters is never okay. However, I want to be clear I condemn ANYONE who carries a Nazi symbol. I don't want your support, and I don't consider you to be patriots, I think you're traitors".
That would be condemning Nazis. Not his dinky little hand slap.
You're the one spinning the truth. Trump LIED and said Obama wiretapped him during the campaign. He literally tweeted, "Obama had my wires tapped". You're the one twisting facts. I took nothing out of context, unlike you I'm using actual quotes. He says Obama wire tapped Trump Tower in multiple tweets. Now, can you be a grown up and admit you were wrong?
Again, when did I not condemn her? Why does talking about Moore mean I have to say in the same post, "Hillary did these terrible things"? Whenever you criticize Hillary, do you criticize Roy Moore as well?
I'm taking his exact quotes. He said it happened because we've forgotten the laws of God, and because of the gays. And in 2017 he said we get mass shooting because we ask for it. I have zero problem with religion, but using it justify murder and hatred is despicable. Also, I never said anything about Moore and Nazis. I said Trump said a lot of the Nazis are very fine people. Which is also incredibly insulting to the military. Imagine being a WW2 vet and you see some idiot parade around a Nazi flag, and the president defends it. His fellow soldiers died to bring down that enemy flag.
I'm not tying Trump to Moore about Moore's muslim comments. I'm asking if you think Moore is a traitor for smearing and spreading lies about Obama. And you still refuse to admit Trump smeared Obama by lying that he wiretapped him.
But how is Moore the lesser of two evils? Ignore the sexual accusations for a second. Moore said homosexuality should be illegal and it's inherently evil. As a judge if one parent in a divorce case was now gay, he automatically ruled against them. How is Jones worse than wanting to lock up gays for being gay? Is this Russia?
I didn't vote for her. I haven't said one thing about her. So you can stop acting like I do now.
He said Sandy Hook was deserved because we have forgotten the law of god. Because people aren't as religious anymore, and because gays are embraced, we deserved Sandy hook. In August of this year he also said we have mass shootings, "Because we ask for it". Those are his exact words.
I have never defended Hillary, Bill or anyone else like that. I fully believe Bill Clinton is guilty of the accusations made against him. So no, I won't can it. Unlike you, I'm not a hypocrite. If you condemn Bill, you better condemn Moore too.
And kept it up even when Obama did release it. And what about his outright lie that Obama wiretapped him?
Roy Moore believes Muslims shouldn't be allowed to serve in politics. So by LYING that Obama was a Muslim, he was saying Obama shouldn't be allowed to be president. That is absolutely smearing. So do you think Moore is a traitor?
So does Sean Hannity and other people at Fox News deserve to have their families attacked and insulted since they've told numerous lies?
Wow. I feel bad for your kids.
Why do you keep bringing up Clinton? I haven't defended, or even mentioned her once. Her being bad doesn't make Roy Moore good. You seem obsessed with her.
Roy Moore literally said 9/11 was a deserved punishment from God, and said the same about Sandy Hook, because of the gays. He thought a terrorist attack and dozens of children being murdered were deserved. That's not the left, that's a fact.
I would have greatly respected Trump if he refused to back Moore, especially when the perverted and harassing allegations came out. Especially since Jones, the democrat, has to run again in I think two years. It's not like he'll serve a full term, and it's worth it to keep a pervert out of the senate.
Letting it slide is the problem. You don't have to completely withdraw your support but letting the bad he does slide is absurd.
Okay, you realize Trump falsely claimed Obama wasn't born in the US, lied about Obama wiretapping him, and Roy Moore said Obama was a secret muslim, right? How are those not smearing? Are they traitors as well for smearing a president?