avigalidou's Replies

Gonna look like Goro from the original 1995 Mortal Kombat which isn't necessarily bad She's not hotter than ScarJo dυmbtard Only Hathaway kinda looks like a Mediterranean chick yeah ... It is the misandrist woke culture that took over Hollyweird There is a war against the 'male gaze' in mainstream movies and it's social engineering turning younger generations gay Just think what kind of movies Hollywood produced in the 80s Porky's,Bachelor Party,Revenge of the Nerds etc or on TV The Benny Hill Show that showed many nude or semi nude hot women Spinning the narrative won't help you.He was a Leftard with severe Trump derangement syndrome like you... Dude you need to go out touch grass and stop your pornhub addiction Flopped because Miller was trying 10 years to replace Mad Max in the Zeitgeist with Furiosa just like Cameron replaced John Connor with that Latina Hobbit People are not stupid they can see the agenda Gibson should return not just as Max but as Director too It's fuckin' 1000 times better than Halloween on all levels Probably he is being blackmailed not to direct ,he has 8 kids he must be careful And anyway COVID didn't help he will direct again someday ... The Omen Awakens The trailer is very misleading people must ask for refunds It's one of the worst movies of the last 20 years that presents itself as an action packed apocalyptic movie Roland Emmerich-M.Bay style but its an artsy fartsy typical A24 borefest They should make a Brokeback Mountain lesbo version together or a remake of Showgirls I mean as director not actor Mel Gibson It's about the Woke messaging not money Blackrock has trillions Totally agree couldn't finish it it's woke trash I don't know how woke it will be but it will SUCK Cope harder Leftard It's all rumors and gaslighting probably by his agent he won't be Bond He is too plain looking for Bond not that good looking also he looks like Timothy 'Soylamet' on steroids(both Jews btw)