MovieChat Forums > DrRed > Replies
DrRed's Replies
How the hell do you know if Mary Kelly did or did not wear a bonnet in real life?
Pixels was a shame. It seemed like an interesting concept in the trailers. And then it turned out so bad.
Why would you watch this movie if you think Ryan Reynolds is a bad actor?
The people making observations about Nick are up there a bit, wasnt me. You need to pay attention more before you start calling shots out. Seem like a moron this way. But to each their own.
Yeah the first 3 episodes were great. After that it was a grind. And then the finale was stupid beyond belief
Same. I went in thinking it would be a police procedural. Then it turned into a pretty good ghost story. Then it was neat how they filled in the blanks.
Same. I did not see this movie coming.
Basic had a lot of twists.
From Disk til Dawn switches genres midway. Similiarly, I thought this was a pretty good ghost story until the reveal and then it became a thriller.
They should make that a sport to boost their sagging ratings.
Her future's so bright she has to wear shades
Yes he was. Thats why it didnt make sense when he went psycho in the dance club in front of a hundred witnesses.
Best food in Mexico.
Response: i kinda doubt it
Yeah the rest were pretty good, but that part felt constructed.
Yep most every heist movie, has a bunch of security systems that can be over come rather than just posting a guard right in front of the safe.
Also the automated vault stopped filling with water because of the extra weight the robbers put on it. It would never "think" the water was all out because of that extra weight.
Yeah, I loved this movie.
I kept waiting for Kevin Hart to replace buddy as a "swapped skin"
Thanks, im not a professional assassin so i didnt understand why the guy said that.
Aye firmative.
Dude. Bro. Have you been watching season 2. Did you come from the future to tell us this? What year will the Ohio Guardians win the Superbowl?
Yeah, She seemed to be very confused about what she wanted
The GBs were right. The black guy shouldve had sex with Emily when he had the chance.