spookiefilmania's Replies

Many thanks bravo bravo. Need you ask with a username like mine? A huge thriller/horror nut. Do you wanna horror quiz? First I have to perfect my uploading of pics for here. New too idkfa. From Sydney. Pleased to meet you. Call me Craig or spookie. You like trivia and games too. Would love your participation once I get settled. I am rather displeased that I can not post uploaded pics. But working hard on it. You Ella and I..Craig (spookie) from Sydney are all newbies. Welcome. I too am new here a friend of Ella. Craig (spookie) from Sydney please to meet a German here. Hi olioz Craig from Sydney here. I too am new here on this friendly forum. Hello Irina I am Craig from Sydney I am also new here along with Ella from the UK. A new question. What Mary Tyler Moore Show character's blue blazer made it into the Smithsonian? Miss Margo it is. I am suspecting you are a Bette Davis devotee. So am I big time. I have created Bette Davis quiz/games on other forums. Only too pleased to do the same here once I master posting pics which seems harder than pulling teeth. Remind me tho not to ask you any All About Eve questions. Correct Al. You gave the full answer I wanted. Unfortunately Daisy answered Mass. earlier. I will post another or do you want to post one. Are you able to post pics? This quiz works either with that or a small bio/trivia piece. Thanks for playing the new quiz. Correct. Do you have trouble uploading pics here. I almost nailed it but my imgur link does not always process a pic. The one above was my only one out of about half dozen attempts. Admin suggest trying Tinypic. Should give that a go.. Tell us a bit about Romania. PM if you wish. I will call you AL. How long have you been on MovieChat AL? Great if you could play my quizzes. Wasnt my link 26? Sorry about that. Reckoned your answer was to mine. Still trying to find my way around. Would you like to have a guess at mine then? The imgur link under my username above. Not Sabrina. Has Australian Jackie Weaver in it. Ditto that Ella. Lovely spot Townsville. You must visit my country some day. Ella has her own. I have not been able to transfer any here. I have struggled also uploading pics. Was not aware. So it will have to be croft then. I thank you GlenEllyn. Many of our American cousins here. In fact on all forums.