Galilguy's Replies

It's just great to see how wrong all these Leftists were, always so sure of their smug selves. Whenever I see one these brilliant threads dug up I'm always very amused. They can't admit they're wrong about policy and purpose. To do that would be to admit they're hurting not helping. So they'll blame everything and everyone but the truth. It means they'll continue to be nothing but a problem for the American People. The Marxist pricks lost and they have nobody to blame but themselves. Of course they double down on stupid, it's just what they do.. 312 EC votes plus the popular vote. An electoral college landslide. As Rush once said - "The Democrats got shellacked!" America won huge! stuff it snowflake. And you don't have any credibility. Just a low tier troll. These threads are hilarious. Is there anyone more full of shit than a Leftist? What a load of horeshit! Keep losing.. What a relief it is! This is why Leftists lose LOL Those were awful candidates. I can tell you're not informed very well.. Ditto. It's embarrassing to read this whiny drivel from the Loony Left. Maybe on life support, but as long as there are mindless sheep who don't seek the truth, and the whole truth, then the legacy media will still have an audience. Over 68 million Americans voted for Kamala. That total includes a enough mindless sheep to keep the legacy media alive. America shows the Kommie the door! Go pound sand. How is your super sized dish of crow? Probably in a straitjacket bouncing off the walls. Either way OP is a miserable old harpy. It’s funny to see your typical left wing arrogance and weird belief that you somehow know the truth or are better or smarter than everyone else because they don’t buy the left wing BS. Another Leftist wacko This troll is having a bad day, haha