MovieChat Forums > Burk48917 > Replies
Burk48917's Replies
Yeah, its pulled in a whopping 14 million in the US, because everyone is flocking to see it. 🤣😂😅
You probably shouldn't use the expression "non sequitur" until you understand how to use it. It just makes you look silly rather than clever, which was undoubtedly your intention.
maybe limit it major studio releases that are direct to streaming. I don't disagree it would be too much to have it encompass everything.
Streaming gets major studio release now. Direct to video generally didn't. Also, screen size is only relative to distance, so a 70 inch tv in a living room generally represents the same percentage of field of view, and I literally don't know anyone that doesn't ar least have a soundbar, particularly movie fans. Your comparisons don't really align with reality, no disrespect intended.
I blocked him years ago. He was butt buddies with one of the moderators, and even when K was physically threatening me or saying something extremely out of line, I'd get reprimanded and have my post removed for replying with something mundane, like calling him an asshole. To give credit, when I told the moderator to back the fuck off because I knew what he was doing, he did.
A lot of the people were incorporated into the vine monster that they torched in the lower level.
Yup, instead they gave us Groots.
The same. I expected it to be a broken part of the universe that opened a portal to another realm/ dimension. Stephen King has a "Thinny" in one of his books. It's a gorge full of a mist that can grab and kill people if they get too close. I definitely thought it was going in that direction.
The first soldier talked about the ends of the gorge being surrounded by landmines and auto turrets.
There is a history of this happening for sure. Why do you think people like Keanu reeves will literally not even touch his female fans for photo ops? They know people will ruin you for the almighty dollar.
obviously asking for a friend, because my morality doesn't allow....I can't even type this out, it's such bullshit. 😅
Yeah, my phrasing could have been better. Undoubtedly there are plenty of legitimate cases out there. Weinstein getting recorded showed what a real piece of shit he is. I meant to say it seems like the celeb bandwagon accusers are generally the type to want a publicity bump or a payday.
Yes, people are greedy and opportunistic and come in a flood when they smell blood in the water. Have you considered why he's never been convicted of a crime despite all of those allegations?
Fine, he does arthouse films too. The point is stil the same. He's in movies that don't pay well and nobody is seeing.
Lol, are you really suggesting Kevin's point isn't extremely valid because he's irritated that someone is trying to reclaim headlines by attempting to smear him?
Another former major star whos past his prime and seeking a way to get attention again. He's been doing B movies for years now. Thats why he suddenly felt the urge to talk about something that happened so long ago. I love how Spacey calls him out on flying to him to hang out with him, well after these alleged incidents took place. I'm sure most sexual abuse victims buy flights to chill with their abuser.. 🙄. This shit got old long ago.
I totally agree with this. You seem to see this with female stars too. It's only after they are no longer getting major studio roles that they feel the need to "speak up". It happens way too often to be a coincidence.
lol, I don't actually remember that one. I definitely remember "you practically tried to rape me last night"...."that was last night, this is today".
Its a "so bad it's good" movie for sure. You could have this playing in the background while drinking and bullshitting, but once in a while everyone would stop drinking and be like, "what the fuck?". Some of the dialog is absolutely nuts,lol.
I'm thrown off a little, because I didn't expect luman to know she was doing it, but they were obviously aware. I suspect it was a test of some kind. Most likely they are testing integration.