MovieChat Forums > mentality > Replies
mentality's Replies
Gape expression of feeling. Quite contrived.
Also depending on the axle placement a well aimed shot can blow out the wheel and cause a gas explosion from the brake line.
Correct. Not hard to follow, nicely paced, movie by the numbers. Did nothing especially well, but did everything good enough.
Gape does a body good.
Only if it's acme
Kathleen Kennedy?
Possible goose gossage in the house.
Don't get gaped
Bad genetics, smoking, drugs, booze, catches up to you.
Way over thinking a comic book super hero movie.
Bad writing and direction.
Homelander to the rescue.
Where the Red Fern Grows and Benji.
Dr Randolph von Kuntzgape.
She could use the gape protocol. That might soften her up.
She has gape appeal.
JJ needs some money too.
More chrome dome Marky.
She might need guided gape to appease her gap.