MovieChat Forums > Mulletor > Replies
Mulletor's Replies
In Southeast Asia we'd call this type of thing "bad karma".
Sure thing, Bud
I'd pass on that too. Rollerball was just a stinker of a movie.
I'm sure if they had access to the same sound stage they faked the moon landing with Planet Of The Apes would have turned out better
Randy Quaid.
I've seen this movie so many times I don't need to even turn it on anymore. It just starts playing in my head on command.
"Hey you, get back here!"
Heh. Sadly the title "My Pet Monster" was already taken and they shelved the idea.
Don't speak ill of Emilio Estevez like that.
"Too old for porn"? 🤨
Back To The Future IV: Citizens On Patrol
Yeah that whole Blue Collar Comedy Tour was quite popular. Ron White was part of that act and I wouldn't consider his sense of humor to be low brow. He made a ton of cash from being in with that tour though I bet.
I would hope he didn't talk like him! Isn't it weird to see some people out of character though? There is a local comedian here that dresses like a fisherman. After the show I saw him leaving the venue in a three piece suit.
I bought this movie a few weeks ago because of this thread was trending. Finally got around to watching it tonight...not bad. It came in a double feature with "Back To School" which I also havent seen, but it's on the list.
The part about being in the hospital for 5-6 weeks after being shot in the ass was questionable, but it was the early 80s so #Cocaine
I believe they were there on their own accord. The oil company probably had local talent that would do a hit job for them, or just hire someone in the bar like they did the drivers on promise of a big payday to do it.
Maybe they were just really dedicated hitmen from the mob and like Angel Eyes from "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly". When they are paid to do a job they see it through to the finish.
Edit addition: Even if it means they had to go to some shithole country to do it.
Little boy blue...hey! He needed the money!
I guess this brings up another question: Were there enough runners to sustain the city? Where else were they getting their food from if Box was the only source of meat?
Last time the trilogy was viewed we watched them in chronological order. Just to get Temple out of the way an enjoy the other two.
I seem to recall that there are calendar year dates given in both Raiders and Temple and chronologically Temple happens first.
Edit: As per wiki Temple takes place in 1935, Raiders in 1936.