MovieChat Forums > Foster > Replies
Foster's Replies
Robin Williams successfully pursued drama, and kept his comedy by continuing to do comedy clubs, Not Movies, to keep his comedy --- Not Stale
I don't see that with Carrey
Why do Blacks Inbreed --- Everywhere??? N,S,E,W, Big cities little fg towns???
I moved to NC in 95, from PA
I've seen more discrimination and segregation by Blacks than whites
BLM is the other side of the same coin
While I agree he does NOT fit the part --- he is hardly a has been
Don't see it very often but I did like it
Like I say ---- Not an award winner but a good watch
IT'S NOT an award winner
I always found it a fun watch, not nearly as bad as everyone says
BS --- When a couple of the Code talkers said they were OK with the name --- and Other "American Indians" said they were Ok with it -----
The Milwaukee (Atlanta) Braves started the name because 3 of their players were American Indians
Those who think it is "Derogatory" NEED to get a life,
The commanders will ALWAYS be the Redskins to me
The Russians that came to the US after the fall of Communism and started their own mob were not nice people
The Italians while they could be bloodthirsty at times, Never messed with Families so much
The Russian would kill your family 1st if the were after You
Not much left to the story --- Micky defends his title 3 times then retires
IF you thought the BS Kings Speech was better than this
YOU need to take your head out of your ass
It has always been my impression that TRAINED boxers are warned against getting into fist fights outside the ring because their fists are considered weapons
As such,,, Micky should have stayed in the bar
Hate to Agree with most others
Like the Wrestler --- BUT Darker
The Kings Speech and Black Swan both sucked as movies so the performances did also
Big mistake NOT nominating Mark Wahlberg, for Best Actor
2010 Oscars as they should have been, base on what/who was nominated
Best Actor --- Jeff Bridges
Actress --- Annette Benning
Supporting Actor --- Jeremey Renner
Supporting Acrtess --- Hailee Steinfeld
Best Director --- David O. Russell
What an over-rated performance by Bale
YOU sound like the fan that believes Bale should get an Oscar every time he farts
On a 0-5 scale I'd rate it a 2.5
SHE is a woman --- Not some punk with a mental illness
TaTas are fun for the whole family
They went on with their snobby shallow lives