MovieChat Forums > PeteRose > Replies
PeteRose's Replies
Lemmings Paintball
I love Steve Buscemi in like everything he's in, I just watched Horace and Pete, Louis CK web series and Buscemi is transcendent
Conan the Barbarian is close to my favorite film, and nobody ever mentions that movie for the masterpiece that it is
Hard to Kill with Steven Segal
Labyrinth, maybe more recently everyone has come around to it, but when it came out everyone trashed it, it's a classic
That's a great movie, but I thought it was pretty highly praised at the time, now Self/Less by Tarsem I just watched and was shocked to see it's popularity is close to nil, I loved it as much as the Fall
Gabrielle Union, you really can't terminate the series, it doesn't feel fear pity or remorse
If only Bowie were alive
That might be kind of great
Joel Kinnaman, I want to see all of these
Ooh or Edward Furlong
Younger crowd, one or both of those Sprouse boys might be good, or Emma Watson, or Emma Roberts, Macaulay Culkin? Yeah he's not as young as the others but that would be some comeback
2010 is pretty loathsome, but maybe it's because I like 2001 so much, I am a Kubrick fiend
I've been digging on Peter Hyams movies lately, like Capricorn One and Outlander, also digging on Van Damme and two worlds have definitely satisfyingly collided
How about Idris Elba, Ryan Gosling, Paul Dano, or if you can lure him out of retirement, Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm going for it, right now I'm watching Sudden Death with Van Damme, so classic is definitely not a prerequisite
Do it, I've never seen Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, but I will now on your recommendation
Best black comedy of all time, though I find Barry Lyndon similarly hilarious and intelligent at times
Alex is my droog, seriously though I support nothing he does, but man, after I watched that movie, I was cured alright