ManToTrust's Posts

It could’ve done without the lesbian couple The most unbelievable aspect about Dune Why is this full of gay boomer music? This site sucks with the constant video thumb! “What kind of American are you?” It's Führer Friday Her smugness is Brie Larson level Who is this swamp monster exactly? If only she stayed in the kitchen, America wouldn’t be so divided What were they thinking with getting the same actress who plays Claire Dutton to play Sarah Atwood? When is Beth going to grow up? (S5) She looks like a modern Laura Branigan Is this better than Exodus? Gay and retarded. Everything in this has been done in TWD Peter Pansexual or Peter Pantriarcy? South Park only mocked her because she’s black He’d have a Ukraine flag in his profile 🇺🇦 Gay and retarded Ep 1: so who am I supposed to root for in this? Billy The Kid is still alive