MovieChat Forums > OhHeyBro > Replies
OhHeyBro's Replies
Was I the only one who thought the protective mother and the creepy girl who signed the kid's cast both looked a bit like Pennywise? Like as if he was posessing them or something. Look at the creepy girl's eyes.
WTF mayne. Serious?
That's messed up.
It didn't even have one.
It's as if they ran out of money and decided to just end the movie mid scene. It's a real shame. Why do so many movies do this? The ending is possibly the most important part of a film.
Why not? Maybe she straps those badboys down before going on a run.
It was a very big reveal. It had just been too long since we last saw her I guess which weakened it.
You skip through it and then claim it had no bearing on the story? Dumb.
But there WAS a question. The invigilator told them at the start. "There is one question before you, and one answer". Or whatever.
You think the doctors would confiscate the patients money when they were brought in? Why? This isn't a prison.
Oh so that's what she was doing?
Haha. Well that explains the moaning. I was rather confused. That scene could have been shot better I guess.
Story wise, sure. But as for the look and feel, I don't think anything really comes close to the GTA games. Maybe at times, the Fast and the Furious movies.
No, GTA III would make for a better movie. And then Vice City and San Andreas to make it a trilogy.
and you have to defend it?
I can't stop saying without my pants, without my pants!
Yeah, going by the title I expected the film do be a romance or something. Very misleading. Wonder why they chose it.
Those 5 titles aren't any better though, no offence.
You honestly think Rian has much creative control on the film and is not just following the formula laid out by Disney?
How can text on paper be worse than violent visuals?
What hate? Also what does bad things happening in real life have to do with how good this film is?
But yeah, very good film. Just watched it again for the first time in a long time.
Agreed. Well he only had to do it on his own for a month I guess. Still, that'd drive me insane.
With a two man team and earplugs, I guess you could manage though.
Well it's not as bad as Alien3 or The Social Network I guess, but yeah it's not great. Just saw it for the first time. What a disappointing ending. This could have been a classic. :(