TerrySilver's Replies

No, its delightfully boring and drags on. Ethan Hawke is about as terrifying as Mickey Mouse. Under weaknesses, he's put 'breathing' RIP big man. Bless, you're mistaking everyday Muslims for the handful you see burning US flags in Syria. Same for the frog. Agreed. A completely jarring character to the tone of the movie and annoying as well. EUROPE TILL I DIE. OUT ON HERE IN EUROPE WE BOMB ON YOU M'F'KERS. YOU THINK YOU THE MOB, WE THE M'F'KING MOB. Wife because the daughter, although aged 22 in real life, does look around 14/15. Actually he said 'bitching'. She mistook it for 'bitch'. Nah. And why exactly are you saying that? It has nothing to do with my question. My question is, BEFORE this revelation, did anyone think she might be Lex's daughter. Because the scene with Old Man Lockwood came way before the clone revelation. Lockwood's comment came before we discovered she was a clone. It bloated the film. Spielberg himself has said that dinosaurs getting to the mainland was something he wanted to explore in JP3 but when he realised he would be unlikely to direct the third film, he tagged it on here. Superman curse. Like Christopher Reeve, his career will never reach the mainstream heights like it did with Superman Returns. They looked fake in JP too. The only scene where they don't is the T-Rex escape from the paddock because it was helped with a night background and rain. Now watch the daylight scene in JP when the T-Rex attacks the running herd. Looks fake as shit. The problem is JW has mostly daylight scenes. *Sorna.