MovieChat Forums > TheUltimateHippo > Replies
TheUltimateHippo's Replies
The new franchise sucks so much I wish they would just kill it off.
No we don't have to grasp at straws there are many reasons why TDKR is a masterpiece, it's just sad and pathetic that this really idiotic group of haters has to invent things to bitch about. Seriously dude get a life and appreciate Nolan's genius.
They weren't forced and they made perfect sense. Talia just wanted to build up Bruce's hopes only to tear him down when he was at his weakest and Selina wanted to move on with a fresh start which is what Bruce wanted also. Plus Selina proved that there was more to her when she came back to help Bruce save the city. TDKR is one of the greatest films ever made and Nolan is hands down the greatest filmmaker ever made, it's just sad that there is a small group of sad, pathetic, ignorant haters.
There was a lot wrong with this movie from the dull, lifeless acting, the lazy New Hope recycled plot, Rey being a Mary Sue, Maz Kanada being a dumb nit wit. I can't believe people are drinking the Kool Aid and actually think this is one of the best Star Wars movies ever. These are my rankings:
1) Empire Strikes Back (10/10)
2) A New Hope (9.8/10)
3) Revenge of the Sith (9.5/10)
4) Return of the Jedi (9/10)
5) Attack of the Clones (8/10)
6) The Phantom Menace (7.5/10)
7) The Holiday Special (2/10)
8) Rogue One (0.5/10)
9) The Force Awakens (0/10)