MovieChat Forums > lordbishop34 > Replies
lordbishop34's Replies
I once read a Star Wars : The Force Awakens review where he didn't write a single thing good about the movie other than it was Star Wars and he gave it a 10. I think the worst crop of higher reviews I ran into, actually it had a ton garbage reviews in general, was the new Ghostbusters. I have never seen so many high reviews with so little supporting it for any other movie, the review would read like a 5-6 but end up with a 8-10. Again this film also had a lot of 1-2s from people who had not seen it.
I remember this being mentioned too, when Kiefer was announced I remember something being mentioned about it being a sequel, but I am not sure if that was just an assumption by the writer of the article.
It does have social commentary, and they would have episodes focused on the past, sometimes literally, but it did not stop time and this includes DS9. The story of Star Trek touched on so many things, but it continued ever forward until this show. Enterprise was considered the worst of the series, the first nu Star Trek film was fun initially but the series has gone down hill since and even Discovery isn't without its complaints, all three are stuck in the past stagnating a series that was partially about hope for the future.
I see this, but I think Star Trek is about moving forward, exploring further, meeting new species, tackling new obstacles, to go where no one has gone before. And this show, the recent movies and Discovery are moving backwards and going where we have already been....for years. If Discovery fails, I think it will be in part because of this, along with the glaring issue that it doesn't fit within the time frame they are shoehorning it into.
This is true, but it does effect the overall number. Having this many 10 votes compared to the total amount of votes for 1-6 is going to have an effect on the total score even with the weighted scoring system. So even with the weighted system the score probably a little higher than it would otherwise be. Unfortunately when it comes to reviews, I find its best to disregard 10 star and 1 star reviews, because they often but not always have some kind of bias unrelated to the quality of the show. Usually reviews scored 3-8 are probably the closest your are going to get to honest user reviews.
I won't lie I didn't like the intro, its probably the one thing I remember from the show from watching it at the time I could never shake. I think it was a misstep, but I thought a prequel show was a misstep to begin with.
I am sure most of them knew who he was, but it didn't matter until it got out. If you knew the man, and he got caught in something public like this. You act like you didn't know and condemn him and move on. Its what Affleck did even though he was involved in Hollywood inappropriate behavior as well.
Dragged down by a lot of 1 votes? has almost 5 thousand 10 * ratings that's more than the 1-6* ratings put together. If anything its being up voted and the score may higher than it should be.
It will be good to see him I was very disappointed that he was barely in TFA however I am concerned what they may do with the character. He had a great career as voice actor.
*spoilers* Well this is no longer canon, but she has three children, twins Jacen and Jaina, the youngest was named Anakin, who was the most powerful of the three. Anakin died as a young man during I believe the New Jedi Order series of books (25-39 Years after ANH). Years later Jacen would fall to the dark side during the Legacy of the Jedi series and would have to be killed by his twin sister in the climax of that series (40+ years after ANH). Jaina was about 36 yo when the last of the legends books came out and was a jedi master by that time. Ben is actually Ben Skywalker, son of Luke and Mara Jade, I think still a teenager at the end of the legends books.
In the books for years she puts most of the training on the back burner because she is involved in the creation and running of the New Republic and also with the children she has. IN time yes she can do those things but it happens over many years because its not her priority. Yes she should be able to do some of this in TFA. She is probably a less trained less powerful version of Luke.
Anyone can go for redemption, what you did does not eliminate that possibility. Vader had followed the wrong path because he thought it was right but also for a more selfish reason because he wrongly believed it would save Padme. It did the opposite and he was trapped in the path he chose. He was able to break that at the end, it didn't make his wrongs go away but he did help destroy one of the most evil men in the galaxy and he didn't die being the evil person he had become. So a form of redemption.
I think the issue with Ren comes more from the character he is rather than what he did. Can he be redeemed? sure turning from the dark side and doing what is right will help do that. It does not however make the death of his father ok or the millions he helped kill forgivable.
The Luke to Rey comparisons have always been so poor. Nothing in the ANH is equal to the abilities Rey displayed. Hell Rey defeated a trained force user in her first film, while Luke got his ass handed to him at the end of ESB after he had a brief but intensive training by a Jedi Master. That event alone blows the comparison out of the water let alone everything else she did in the film.
The problem with the other poster is in reality quasi-feminist like that person have so little faith in women in film that they need them be even less realistic and more overpowered than their male equivalents for them to be accepted as tough.
On top of that, its clear that its female lead in Star Wars that they primarily care about and not the character or the actress. So they had already decided she was the greatest thing since sliced bread, before seeing a minute of film. (even though both PT and OT feature females as part of the leads, yet that seems to be ignored)
I agree, Lucas is an ideas man, however he has a spotty record fleshing them out himself. I would bet with virtual money :), the outlines he had for the latter three films wre better than what we have seen so far.
I think a lot of people feel that, I have certainly looked back and thought of how stupid I was to not go directly to college. I was so sick of school so I put it on the back burner and would go in a year or two. Well that was 20 years ago. I have a solid job now and I can with my wife's assistance support my family however my options are extremely limited because I followed my emotions rather than did what was smart.
I still enjoy this film, its not perfect. I think its does a good job displaying the horror in space it was going for, it had some effective imagery and a creepy atmosphere. It could have used some work at the end, but I really would love to see another film set in the same universe.
Yeah that was one of the things I noticed when I had it originally, its obvious the live shows would have commercial, since its being streamed live however it should not be called Commercial Free if there are any breaks in the shows for commercials or promotions. While they do tell you about the commercials and promotion the name of the package is misleading. Given that All Access doesn't have near enough worthwhile content to pay for I got rid of it fairly quickly.
I wonder if they are going to combat the people that will try and binge star trek with a free trial or one month subscription by limiting the episodes it leaves avail to stream. If you have noticed, some of there current shows do not keep the full season available. I noticed this with one of the NCIS' last year and criminal minds usually only saving the last 4 or 5 eps.
I have not been able to watch either show, I have had CBS All Access before even if I really wanted to see ST:D I would not pay for All Access to see it. But from reading reviews alone, it seems it comes down to Orville while a comedy has the spirit of Star Trek running through it, it could with a few tweaks be dropped right into the Star Trek universe. Star Trek Discovery is an action sci-fi show using the Star Trek name, because of the setting of the show and its appearance it feels out of place with the rest of the Universe, neither fitting entirely in JJ universe nor the original timeline.
Now my final thoughts will come when I actually sit to watch both shows, but that's the impression I am geting from some of the more believable reviews.
I enjoy Martial Art films and I see the force enhanced abilities of Jedi established in prior films fall in line with some of the more outrageous abilities seen in those style of films. So watching a reasonably trained even if injured Dark Jedi battle two untrained people like he was a drunk knight from medieval times just felt wrong to me, but I do see your point on the brutality part.
I didn't hate TFA, but its surprised me how so many people were giving it a pass. People attacked the prequels relentlessly but praise this film. So many 10 star ratings on imdb and the story rehash alone is a reason to drop it a star. I didn't think the old stars were used well, the new guys I am struggling with. Poe wasn't on screen enough for me to develop any sort of feeling for. Rey is likable but her force development doesn't feel believable. And I can't stand Finn, period. The film also features one of the worst lightsaber battles of the series. I have watched/read enough Star Wars to know that even an injured Ren should have been able to kill/incapacitate both Finn and Rey fairly easily.
In the next film I hope they better explain Rey's force use, make Finn likable, expand Poe's role, don't misuse Luke in some cheap attempt to elevate the current cast, not be a ESB remake, undue the damage they did to the credibility of Ren as a villain and not drop the ball on Snoke's reveal if they go that far.