Olivergbyrne's Posts

Way to make sure people pirate your movie Disney! Kelley Clarkson will take her place eventually ! Worried about the CW move. The overuse of the laugh track really ruined everything Christopher Nolan 100% was inspired by Year one What happened to full moon?! Justice League Star Ray Fisher Retracts Any Support He Gave To Joss Whedon Each episodes feels like 2 hours long Felix is as interesting as Victor **SPOILER** The ending! REALLY bad acting from the lead Wasted opportunity If only the entire movie was like the first 15 minutes A film so strange I believed i dreamed it Surprisingly heart warming Will this be the start of the new DCAU or will it be a standalone film? Possible Spoiler** Incredibly sad that this DCAU is over but happy they made such a good final film! So , how did you find Josh Gadd Youtube Reunion Special?! I preferred the Wii version